Thursday, July 14, 2016


Many things that happen in our lives are
unpredictable.  Certainly finding your car window broken, even if it is a side window, is
unnerving.  In so many ways we are vulnerable
even though we do everything we can to keep
safe.  Maybe it is just as well Sandra you did not hear them.  I worry about people high on drugs.

Dad and I both spent the day cleaning up so nothing new.  The bird house is in the tree now and the butterfly was alive with little birds flying to and fro.

We think of the scripture that says "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth" as being violent but actually it was to lesson violence.  It meant that the punishment must fit the crime.

Reaping what you sew makes us all responsible for our own actions.

"An eye for an eye" is reflected in our legal system in the Latin concept of lex talionis.

Human nature that seeks revenge is predictable but Jesus came with the message of forgiveness and grace that is unpredictable.  The sacred is present in all of life even our ordinary days where we do our best to make life better for others.

Congratulations to Hobey on his music!

Dear God,
As I pray dad after unpredictable day
may my words come from deep within my soul
as I turn to you Lord to welcome your healing presence of love
in my life and in the lives who I am praying for.
I turn to you in wonder, in tears, in laughter and in song with faith
in my heart.


Steady-as-rain said...

I am glad the birdhouse is now in the tree.

Good thing the bike didn't disappear!



Unknown said...

sounds as though you had a good if quiet day. We will be busy today choosing a sofa bed so we will be able to have an overnight visitor and in the evening we are going to bard on the beach to see aproduction of romeo and Juliet we have complimentary tickets and will be going with Kiera and Tony. I'm looking forward to it very much. Love Jane.

Sandra said...

Yes, I really dont want to have to face any of these burglars, you just never know what they might do. You are lucky that your just ran away. When he saw you were an elderly lady he could have decided to just take you on.

But, the good news Randy finaly let me drive his car to work! He has been very protective of it and has not let me take it out on my own yet.

I thought the bird house was coming to live at my house?


beth bennett said...

Jane I am so pleased you will be going to Bard on the Beach.

Something good often comes out of disaster like driving
Randy's car!

The bird house is in transition. I think dad should go into

I am planning to go visiting today.

Love mom

nancy-Lou said...

Gosh isn't that an awful thing of Sandra to find her car window broken. Did they ransack her car too? It sure would be unsettling to know that criminals were around while they were sleeping. But the good thing is she got to drive Randy's car! YAY.

I don't think you will get any residents in the bird house this year...most of the birds are done with raising a brood. The Goldfinches are late in having their young...they time it to be in conjunction with the thistle seeds being available...which they will be within a week or so.
The wildflowers are absolutely astounding this year....probably because of the mild winter anad the plentitude of rain this summer! Driving into Winnipeg today was like looking at an artist's palette...the yellow and purple against the backdrop of purple thistles and a few of the Manitoba sunflowers...golden yellows added in..WOW. It was hard to keep my eyes on the road. I would have liked to stop and take pictures, but Carl isn't very patient.

Carl saw the surgeon this morning and he had a good check-up. The doctor said it takes three months for the body to recover. EVerything comes to a slow down in major surgery he said...thus the slow bowels and digestive system. He needs to have small meals and the same with anything to drink...we thanked the surgeon for the life saving surgery. He does about 80 aneurysms a year.

I think you know Roxie Ateah, right? She is quite the berry picker and was here today, picking the Saskatoons. There are so many berries this year. We have tons of them in our yard and there is no way I am going to be able to pick them all. Roxie very kindly left us a blueberry pie, by our was waiting for us when we arrived home. Delicious. Mother nature has outdone herself and so has Roxie!

I am tired tonight and will go to bed early with my is a crime drama and I am not too fond of it, but will finish reading it.

Have a wonderful evening Jane, wish I could come too! Sounds wonderful.

Have a good sleep, Beth and Larry,

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

You too Nancy.

Good to be home and know everything seems to be normal
but still care needed.

Love your descriptions!

Love Beth