Tuesday, July 26, 2016


Yes I am finding I have to conserve my energy
so that I have enough to last all day.

I started working in our back yard instead of going for a walk.  What grass there is seems full of weeds and brown spots.

I was planning on bringing my friend,  Eve,
back after we visited Margaret.

I had planned to have a cat nap before we went but this did not work out.

We had a great visit. When you go to one of these places you have to have a code to get in and out so it is helpful to have some one along that knows what they are doing.

Everything went well until we tried to leave and kept punching in the code and nothing would work.  Finally some one who was coming in let us out but she gave us a funny look as we left.  We are two gray hair ladies who do not look much older than the ones we have been visiting. 

Nobody is perfect.
As long as we strive to be better
our imperfections are part of the journey,  -Demi Lovato

While I was out with my friend dad went shopping to buy me a new dress.  He did pick the one on the model and he actually picked out two and I like both of them.

His lip looks better so he is okay with going out in public.  Also it feels better too!


nancy-Lou said...

I wish you a belated Happy Birthday Beth. I loved the Birthday party your family had for you...I think it was at Queen Elizabeth park? What great photos of everyone, especially you...being daring wading in the fountain.
I recorded a happy birthday song for you but still trying to upload it to you tube. Our internet is so overloaded with all the summer people here that it is terribly slow. The internet runs off the cell phone towers, which creates a lot of congestion. DRATS! I will still try to give you the link once I get it uploaded to youtube.

It has been exceptionally busy lately with a lot of company. We love to see each and everyone.

We were planning on going to Winnipeg today to do some errands, but I am fighting off a bug...swollen glands and stuffy head. I hope it doesn't progress to anything else because I have a show on Saturday and have to take down the month long exhibit at the library and move everything to the show.

Wishing you a good day,

Love, Nancy

Sandra said...

I have been coming into work the past two days at 9:00am. It is a very civilized time to start. I am able to water my garden, do some laundry, walk the dogs of course and all with out feeling rushed.

After I pick up Cameron and Shandel we will stop by Carol and Panteli's for a little visit, Kimberly has offered to make us supper.


beth bennett said...

I just realized I have been spelling Panteli wrong.

Thank you Nancy. I appreciate your thoughtfulness.

That sounds like you have caught some nasty bug
just when you do not need it.

Hope it just lasts a day or so.

Love beth

Anonymous said...

Happy BIrthday to Matthew. (He's been counting the days for the last 6 months) 8'years old. MElina is up and about this morning. Still not 100% but better. Hobey is in Billund Norway. Glad to hear Dads lip is on the improve. I checked your weather and looks like a nice run of sunny and warm days ahead. ☀️

beth bennett said...

Yes Happy Birthday to a fine young man!

Glad to hear Melina is a bit better.

Yes warm and sunny here.

The swimmers over at Sandra and Randy s have sun burns.

Ben s team has one their last game 3 to 0 but will not make it into the finals.

Wish we could be there. Send pictures. Thanks for the phone call Ken.

Love mom