Monday, July 11, 2016


Dad enjoyed the visits with Rick
Carol and Morgan.  Rick was on
his way home to Kamloops and
Carol and Morgan were happy
and excited to be going into
Van. for the Art Center.

I think most men like being in their
own home and have visitors come.

His lip is still very sore but he had
a little more energy.  He work on
putting the computer on the T.V.
He likes a challenge.

I took a picture of Morgan reading her
little book with pockets to pop notes
into.  Everyone wrote a note and she
was thrilled.

Ben has been getting a lot of attention which is natural until they decide what his future plans are going to be.  I think it is the White Caps if he can arrange a way to attend daily.  It will mean a sacrifice for the family trying to work this out.

A quiet day for me after our happy visitors left.  I made an effort to go for a walk and stopped to talk to a neighbor who wondered where Haiti was.  She was very talkative and so I listened.  In the end she was complaining about her neighbors dogs barking when she is trying to study to become what Leah is.  Then a light bulb turned on in her mind and she suggested I could ask to take her dogs for a walk.  I just laughed.

We are very careful not to let Haiti bark even though our neighbors like her no matter what she does.  Actually neighbors on both sides.

I am reading about "Prayers God Always Says Yes To" by Anthony Destefano.

One is basically about kindness.  "Please use me to help some one in need."

We had a knock at the door and a little girl came to tell me she had picked up a little garden angel and it had broken.  I reassured her I knew it was an accident and dad and I are happy they like looking at our pond and the little things we have put around it.  She was adorable but so sad.  She left feeling okay. 

We love our home and our neighbors who are so friendly and kind.

"Have no fear of perfection you will never reach it."  -Salvador Dali


Sandra said...

Mary and Mike are back home and in another couple of days my home will be close to back to normal. A very short visit with not that nice of weather, but better than nothing.

July is certainly a very busy month this year, looking forward to a quiet August, maybe get some of the painting done around the house.


nancy-Lou said...

It is nice to have visitors come to your are right, Beth! We had visitors over the weekend too!
Wasn't that a wonderful gift for Morgan...a book with pockets and letters written to her by her family! Be sure and keep it Morgan, you will be glad you did when you are older!
It sounds as though your weather has been really cool and cloudy, not the best for a pool birthday party. I hope they got to swim anyway!

Glad to hear Larry was feeling some better....keep improving Larry! Carl had a bad night and morning, but perked up after a rest. I almost took him into emergency at St. Boniface hospital this morning, but he would 't go! Talk about stubborn.

Isn't that an awful situation in the USA? All that unrest and demonstrations? I think it could lead to a civil war with martial rule. I sure hope not. They are trying to keep the people calm, but there is more going on than we know about. One of our visitors has lived in Phoenix for 30 years and she is very worried.

I am busy working on my next art class. We are going to do a painting of mine that is a winter scene and has two fox kits playing in the foreground. It will be this Saturday.I love teaching and i meet so many interesting people!

oh oh...have to go out and water my has been another hot day.
I have a huge hanging container of nasturtiums and it dries out quickly. I grew them from seed and planted them in a big pot...but the are just so big. The hummingbird moth loves them. The technical name is a Sphinx Moth. It is fascinating to watch them eat the nectar in the evenings. The hummingbirds love them too...very sweet flower. I believe they are edible.

Have a good evening,
Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Yes it is a busy month especially for Sandra and Randy with Cameron and Shandel arriving on the 23.

Nancy I know exactly how you are feeling I have been worried about Larry and wanting him to go to the doctor but he refuses. It is a worry for me. He seemed worse yesterday but did have a bit of energy and a bit of an appetite.

He is not up yet but I do hope it is improving as we do not want to miss any more parties!

Love beth

beth bennett said...

Thank you Jane for phoning.

Carol is bringing Haiti over for a visit
so time for me to get dressed.

Enjoy your holiday!

Love beth