Sunday, July 17, 2016


Our bird house has become a feeding station.  It is great fun to see the little birds flying around.

I went to bed feeling very happy and content after my day of vacationing. 

Dad and I were both started awake by gun shots followed by a helicopter circling around and shining a very bright light down on the parking lot of the Safeway.  We heard one police car arrive and then there was dead quiet and about 10 minutes later the helicopter flew off .

Too close for comfort.

Took awhile for me to settle down.
  Anxious thoughts float through my brain.

Courage is needed in life to do any type of good, taking a risk, or to over come temptation or evil.

C. S. Lewis said that courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of virtue at the starting point, which means at the point of highest reality.  Courage is needed to overcome all the obstacles that like puts up in front of us.  In other words it takes guts!

Yes I often have prayed and still do:   God give me courage.

I think it would be a better world if people just left their guns at home.


nancy-Lou said...

Oh boy, that is so scary! First Sandra has her car broken into and now gun shots and helicopters near your home! WOW....that is awful. I wonder what this world is coming to, with all the crime and terror incidents lately. Glad you are safe and all is well now.

I was watching "the Donald" this morning and Ms Trump was there for the interview. She was looking like the ultimate Barbie doll....everything fake and not even American...from Slovenia. YIKES, this is scary too! I am so grateful to live in Canada and especially our peaceful little community of Victoria Beach. The most crime we had this year was bicycles that went missing after the music concert...people who wanted to ride home and then tossed the bikes in the bush. Most have found their way back home.

I wish you both a good day....are you taking another vacation day Beth? It sounds like a good idea!

The birdhouse looks so cute and isn't it fun to watch the antics of the birdies?

We are going to have a week of really hot weather...which is fine, because the poor cottagers have had nothing but rain for their holidays.

How are you feeling Beth? Is your shoulder still giving you pain? How is Larry's lip doing? Did he have some skin cancer taken off it? I had a spot of basal cell cancer taken off my nose and it is looking like it is coming back, so have to call the doctor. She wasn't a plastic surgeon and she said she would send me to one, if need be.

Love to you both,

Sandra said...

When I went to turn on the news like I do every morning that was my first thought too, do I really want to hear about more tragedies?

When I went out to walk the dogs this morning I could clearly see foot prints from someone walking across the lawn and the side gate was open. Makes me nervous as Randy is gone all night from midnight on.

I thought after wards that it might have seemed insensitive with us announcing moving back to Edmonton. We will of course keep coming back to Vancouver to visit. With the family spread all over there does not seem to be any perfect solution, there are wins and losses no matter what we do.


beth bennett said...

I am planning to have another vacation day but finding it hard to get up on deck.

My shoulder is a pain but resting helps.

Dad is busy in the hard and I actually did some baking.

Now if I can find my book!

Love beth