Saturday, July 9, 2016


Happy Birthday to Morgan!

                                                   Letters to Morgan on her birthday!

You are a loving blessing.
I love your little cards you draw for us.

What fun to have your party at Auntie Sandy and Uncle Randy's house.
It is raining this morning but hopefully the sun will shine and you can go swimming.
Are you taking swimming lessons this year?

I remember when I was 10 and it was great fun.
I hope today and every day of this year will be good.
You have learned a lot in 10 years.
Good for you learning coding.  I did not know what that was. 

Keep on doing your dancing and learning to do a back flip is wonderful.

The world is full of wonder and beauty.
Enjoy and be thankful for flowers and trees, birds and butterflies, the sun and moon and stars
for frogs and fishes, dogs and cats!
Maybe you will get a dog this year!

That is neat that you are going to be taking care of your teacher's plants!

I have had a lot of fun doing things with you.  Remember walking to the park and you had your own hockey stick.
Remember when you fell when we had a picnic at the Watershed Park
and a kind man gave you a bandaid. Grandpa has one tucked in his hat now.

Enjoy your happy times with friends
Enjoy your school days.
Sometimes we feel sad and that is okay too
You can always talk to me or mom or dad.

You have a lot of talent drawing pictures.
They are wonderful, full of color and imagination.
Good job!

I love to see you reading and going to the library.

What a fun thing to do to write you these letters.
You will receive them at the party!

You are a kind and thoughtful person
You are beautiful inside and out.

I love your hugs!  !
They are like a warm fuzzy blanket round my heart.
I feel very loved!

I love you lots and think of you often
You are in my heart and in my prayers.

Love Grannie


Sandra said...

Fingers crossed for a bit of sun.

nancy-Lou said...

Beth, what a wonderful birthday gift you have given Morgan. Letters filled with your love for her. Letters filled with wise words. I do hope that Theresa prints it out and saves it in an album for Morgan to keep forever. Long after you are gone, She can re-read these letters and feel your love. In fact, your blog is a gift you have given your family and followers...something they can always have...a piece of you. So, thanks for taking the time to write it ( and I do know it takes a lot of thought and time to do this ).

Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

Hope the sun came out☀️