Wednesday, October 28, 2015


I had a chance to try out my new rain boots!
but had to watch out for big spiders hidden in the grass.

I had to send my regrets to our Bible study group as I was feeling very tired.
I really appreciated Vera doing the leading as it actually was my turn.
The lesson was about Mary the mother of Jesus.  It is hard to imagine what it would be like to be alive at that time of history as a Jew for whom their lives revolved around their religion and the covenant relationship they felt called into.  And Mary could be stoned to death when it is discovered she is pregnant.
Can we believe what seems impossible?  A virgin birth?  A holy love so powerful that births new life within not only Mary but each one of us.  
"When it is this bizarre  you know it is the hand of God"   - C.  Myss
P.S.I am reading a book about dreams!
"Live your dreams, not your fears."   Albina Hunt..


nancy-Lou said...

Beth. I am glad that you decided to listen to your body telling you are tired and not go to the meeting. Sometimes we feel obligated to do things and push ahead and then "pay the price" the next day. Good for you resting. I send you prayers for better health, more energy and less pain.

Yes, the immaculate conception of Mary is just a parable as many of the stories in the bible are. What a huge letdown this was once I discovered all that I was taught was " not to be".....but teaching lessons for us. It was wonderful to actually believe, but also really scary to believe in the hell fire stuff too and the anger of God if we strayed from his word.
How times have changed. How my my understanding of religions has changed too.

Carl is almost bedridden with this latest flare-up. I am going to call his rheumatoid arthritis doctor now and see how things are progressing with the approval of his new medication and also to see if he needs to up his prednisone. He doesn't complain, but I can feel his pain.

The dogs and I will head out in this late fall weather...colder with snow granules in the air and icy where it was wet. We had another large pet dog taken by the wolves...what a controversy there is...many people oppose the trapping or shooting of the wolves.

Love and healing prayers for you both,

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Prayers for you and Carl today.

Thank you for your prayers for us!

love beth

Sandra said...

I agree with Nancy, good for you staying home when you do not feel your best. I did not do my lunch hour walk yesterday, too rainy. I will need to start bringing rain pants to work, since it is my legs that get the wettest on my walks.