Monday, October 12, 2015


According to Atul Gawande  life is meaningful as a story.
A story that has a sense of the whole and its arch is determined by significant moments.

'"We have purposes larger than  ourselves."

We have a self that is experiencing all the ups and downs we go through but we also have a self that is a remembering self.

And in stories endings matter.

"Yet certain pleasures  can make enduring suffering worthwhile.  In life there are things we fear and things we hope for.  We want to make the choices for any treatment of our illness be such that there will be good moments to be enjoyed with family.  If a procedure seems risky it should be thoroughly discussed with a patient.  Also the outcome should be also told."  -

For myself I value the peace I feel with God and with my family.
That does not mean that I never experience hurt feelings or disappointments.
I do!  Often we unintentionally can wound one another.
But I want them to know that each one of them are special and deeply loves.

Things often work out for the best!

I realize that a large part of aging is just letting go; letting go of all the things one sued to be able to do.  Starting to have times of incontinent seems to be one of the last straws.  My worst fears are losing my balance, being in pain  and losing more control of bodily functions, getting weaker and losing what little mind I have.

The truth is that  have come a long way overcoming some of the problems after my fall and illness,

                                          Every good day is a blessing in some way!

1 comment:

Sandra said...

I guess that is part of what aging is about, no longer having all of lives good things to look forward to, but rather continual decline.

Well, the sun is suppose to shine this week, and if nothing else, just think back to your time in the hospital when all you wanted more than anything was to be home.

Hope you and dad have a better week.