Saturday, October 3, 2015


Had a laugh as I read some of my old books.

I like to believe that if I still thing my senior moments are hilarious then I am still young at heart.  It is fun when we can still laugh at our foibles and follies.  Both dad and I need to have a few chuckles.  I laugh when he cannot find his glasses knowing they are on top of his head.  Yes, I do the same.

Some things are my special things like writing on bits of papers here and there and then losing them of course.  Dad is more organized with his yellow dated pas by his computer.

Does it mean we are becoming more real, more human?

I put strange things in the frig. like my socks, and then cannot find them and they may even have ended up in the garbage pail.

Then there are the problems with the stove.  Sometimes I forget to turn it on and sometimes I forget to turn it off.  I am grateful that I am not cooking thanksgiving dinner and I really have done my fair share.  I can never remember if I have put salt in so usually there is too much or not any.

This is from my book "Experiencing Spirituality."

Jimmy received a parrot with an extremely bad attitude and bad vocabulary.  He tried to retrain it by talking to it politely and quietly.  There was no change.  In desperation he shoved it into the freezer to shut it up.  After a minute all was quiet and he worriedly took it out.

The parrot said: I am sorry I offended you.  He continued by saying :May I ask what the chicken did?

Today dad went to buy a new mouse trap that is like a cage and just catches them and you can release them far away.  I took Haiti for a walk because it was such a beautiful day. 

Later we went to Carol and Panteli's for a delicious supper.  A much better day!


Client Strengths said...

the mouse trap is a great idea. I'm going to ride my bike down to point roberts today. It's so beautiful out.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for he "Jokes" an yes we recognize some of the behaviours. Jane

nancy-Lou said... is good to laugh at oneself....and the funny things we do. I do some pretty strange things I lost my palette and my class had to wait 10 minutes until I found it...
We had a good chuckle.
All teens and the nicest kids anyone could ask for! I took them on location where we painted plein what a gorgeous day it was and the kids came through with some creative sketches that we brought back to class and re-drew on watercolour paper and then painted.
I am thinking of buying us berets...that we can sport while painting on location!

I had a chuckle about the mouse trap....Larry drive and you do the walking...makes me think of how marriage is all about partnership....we support each other.

We haven't had a frost flowers are all so beautiful...except where the deer have eaten them and yes, they chose the most beautiful. My Nasturtiums were particularly tasty to them....all I have left are some ugly stalks sticking up.

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Nancy what a fun teacher you must be.

I am always misplacing things that is for sure.

When we got home we saw Ken had phoned.

Sorry we missed you Ken.

Love mom