Monday, October 26, 2015


We are so fortunate to live in such a beautiful world.  I am thankful for my morning walk with Haiti.
After doing a few chores I walk done to see Gundy.  The neighbor and his son were out doing their lawn, this is the bot who plays hockey on the street all the time, so as I was talking to them I asked if the boy Matthew would cut my front lawn and I would pay him. 
He was happy to do it but would not take any pay.  I am wondering if dad may have some hokey equipment they could use.  Neighbors helping each other is the way it should be!
I did some raking leaves in the back yard  they are coming down in huge piles.
Dad is not feeling well.  He has a stomach ache and headache as well as sore feet.
What a pair!

Thankful for good neighbors!
 OFF to the doctor with my hand written note.


Sandra said...

And the weather could not be any better for the end of October. Did dad tell you I called?
Kittens continue to grow and are getting more aware every day.
I hope you and dad start to feel better soon.

nancy-Lou said...

What a lovely photo of the tree with the sunlight shining reminds me of the ray of sunshine that cheers us up when we have illness and pain. So sorry to hear that Larry is not well...I send prayers for you both for good health and no pain.

Carl is really suffering...I cannot believe how swollen his hands are with rheumatoid arthritis....he can barely use them. He cannot drive...and I need to help him dress. We are waiting for approval for the drug infusion that helps him. He rarely complains...but I know the pain is almost unbearable. He has it throughout his body. He has had 6 joint replacements

Glad to hear you found the ipad....there is a find my ipad or iphone app I believe.

How wonderful you are aqble to walk with Haiti, Beth. I am so glad you are back to walking...I know how much you e joy it. Me too and my dogs sure do. Max always tells me when he wants to go for a walk..he says awwooo awooo awooo. Funny.

Wishing you both a good day today,


beth bennett said...

Off to the doctor!
Feeling better of course.
love mom