Saturday, October 24, 2015


View on the rocky shore of Harrison.
If it was up to me I would welcome the views of robots.  The more comments the better!
Dad and I are doing much better today.  Myself I am not so irritable so I could have a cat and it would not be in danger of me kicking it.  No I would never do that no matter how miserable I felt.  I think it is just an expression.
Dad got busy repairing Kim's vacuum before even reading the paper.  It is all fix ready to be used and with Haiti being so generous with her hairs it keeps us both busy vacuuming.
I was up very early enjoying the quiet before starting my prayers.  I honestly had to pray for the willingness to enter in to this deeper space.  It is more than just quiet emptiness it is the patience to wait for the presence to be with me and help me find the words to say.
Yes I believe in angels that the Bible refers to a messengers of God.  The loving grace of heavenly beings can be anywhere at anytime.
Carol came for a visit so we did have a visitor after all.  Dad had suggested Desirae come another day when we both were a little brighter. 
Carol walked Haiti and I to the park and Haiti was ever so proud to be talking us there.
Dad and Carol had a father and daughter lunch which was great for dad's spirits.
We phoned Sandra and Randy but they were out bike riding.  A little cool but great to be riding bikes!
Truly there is so much more to life than any eye an see but I am going to keep looking.


nancy-Lou said...

WOW is it ever pretty at Harrison Hot Springs. It looked to be a misty day on the day you visited.

I am glad that you are feeling better today....poor health can bring depression with it and sometimes it is overwhelming. Getting out of the house is a good thing to do.....having lots of family support too, which you sure have, with your large and loving family.

Early this morning I went out ( wearing my slippers ) to feed the birds and oooops...nearly fell on the ice on the step. It is the first freezing temp we have had this fall. There is a thin skin of ice on the water bowl for the birds it is time to plug in the water heater for them. As soon as I rounded the bend to the front yard there were 8 bluejays singing the happy bell song, all sitting in the birch tree and the little Chickadees wee flitting around my head. What an amazing feeling to be so close to nature. There was a large flock of noisy geese in the marsh too....the sounds and sights fill my heart with happiness.

I am cooking a small turkey today...just the frills. Our sons will be coming for supper. I got the turkey for free at Super Store when I spent $250 even is basted with butter. yum.

I wish you a good day, PS Did you get the mouse?


Sandra said...

And here it so hoping today is even better than yesterday. We took out the mirror above the fireplace in the family room this morning. Since it was smoke glass to me it always seemed to make it darker in that corner. Going to put in some painted white bead board.