Thursday, October 8, 2015


Since it was not raining dad went for a short bike ride. 

I went to the Seniors Home and had a good visit with Jim who showed me a lot of his pictures even way back to grade school  I also had a visit with Joyce and her mom.. Both where very appreciative.
 I was trying to discover what the average life span of a mushroom is.The ones I come across seem to survive for only a few weeks.

"Why we age is the subject of vigorous debate."

"The preponderance of evidence is against the idea that our life spans are programed into us.
All complex systems fail randomly and gradually.  Our bodies are made up of  crucial, fragile components and when one part fails it affects the whole body.

Dad  and I know how true that is.

We ate out at the Green Lettuce later in the afternoon.


Sandra said...

So has the book been of interest at all, or is it all just depressing stuff that you already know?

I am wondering how much we can do to slow down the system failures. If we eat organic and get lots of sleep, and don't smoke, will are parts last longer?

But what about my shrinking brain?

Thank you for picking up the cat post. Was it very close to you guys?


beth bennett said...

Yes Sandra it is a worthwhile read, but heavy too.

I think you do all you can to make good choices, like I say to dad if we can keep moving even a little bit it helps lungs heart etc.

The brain shrinks, I know my has, but at a different rate for everyone.

Back to the brain books with the warning that stress and toxins affect the brain too.

"Also a spiritual component helps to care for the soul of the brain-the mind"

I will skip to the last chapter as it is a lot to digest.

Yes dad was happy to pick up the cat tree.

It is our contribution to your very "Good" deed.

Over the years you brought several extra dogs and cats home. One pregnant I think.

It was right by the park over where Haiti and I walk.

love Mom