Friday, October 2, 2015


I am a little confused with posting my blog.
I write during the day but post it thinking it
will be good for the next morning.  Does that make sense?

Our neighbors are doing a real professional job and have even called in experts for advice.  I guess 20 years does make a difference in your energy and strength.The old fence is gone so it is good Haiti is away for a few days.  Kim is going to introduce Haiti to them when she returns on Sat.

Counting the days until Thanksgiving.  Dad and I do well and have fun at family get to-gathers. 

I am thankful for thanksgiving and that we will never have to just have a can of beans to share.  Pay day came the next day.

Friday was my day to move some furniture and go  through books.  Some I can donate to the church.  First I move the C.D. player and as I listen to my worship tapes I realize how I have missed stirring worship that bring a emotional response that touches heart and soul.

This is one thing I miss doing but it is correctable.

I listen to my music and take out books one by one.  Everyone I could read it again and again and enjoy it every time.

Yes, I have collected a lot of facts and knowledge over the years.  Knowledge has the potential to produce experts but I find I just realize there are more questions.  Knowledge is replaceable as new facts are made known.

The history of medicine
2010 BC  - here eat this root
1000 AD  - that root is heathen - say a prayer
1850 AD - that prayer is superstition  - drink this potion
1940 AD - that potion is snake oil -swallow this pill
1980 AD - that pill is ineffective - take an antibiotic
2015 AD - that antibiotic does not work anymore - hear eat this pill.

Dad's pills were dropped at the front door yesterday. 
They are r-Alpha Lipoic Acid.  I will add a little prayer hoping for some improvement.

I will probably move everything back again to-morrow.


Steady-as-rain said...

Is there a new fence going in to replace the old one?



beth bennett said...

Yes the new fence has been delivered and they will put it in too.

We will pay and are so grateful they will do the work.

Are you coming down?

love mom