Monday, October 19, 2015


Fortunately Kim went to vote early and phoned to tell us it was quiet and a good time to go.
Fortunately there was an extra handicapped parking near the door so dad did not have to walk too far.  Yes, we have all voted!

I now realize the events that trigger a mini stroke.  Stress and over-tired which produces headaches.  I am so very tired I desperately want to sleep.  Instead of sleep I feel like I cannot move and actually do not care.  The next day I slur my words and have difficulty walking.

I am sharing this for my family to understand why if asked how I feel I wouldn't know.  I would like to go to a stroke prevention clinic but in reality I know what I should be doing.  Realizing I cannot do what I used to do and for dad and myself this is so frustrating.

The danger then is for us to feel useless and incompetent.

I am glad to be alive and be able to cause some trouble too.

 My family is my greatest strength and I hope I add a little joy to theirs!

God bless us all!  We fortunate to have each other for how long we have.


larry bennett said...

Yes, this getting older has some interesting situations that one never, ever, thinks about until it happens.

The mini (or maxi) for that matter strokes are a good example. The person having this little situation with the brain, is in fact the last one to expect a rational,intelligent, or honest dialoge from.

Both of us have gone through this at least once in the past year, and Im afraid we both have not given the real picture of what we are feeling to the other when in the middle of the brain problem.

So I guess we will just carry on and do our best, with our increased knowledge.


nancy-Lou said...

Yes, I guess when in the middle of a mini stroke one is not able to be rational and make good decisions. Has your doctor recommended taking a baby aspirin to help prevent strokes? I hope you both are OK and take it easy. Be sure to rest if you are not feeling well. Before the headache.

We voted too and apparently the turn out has been quite steady. So that is good news...people are taking this election seriously. Between you and me, I will be so glad to be rid of people posting political messages on FB...... I don't believe anyone else should try to influence others how to woman put 7 posts today, on one person is the only one to vote for..not naming who....but definitely not my choice for PM!.

Another beautiful day and we BBQued steak for supper. we have been blessed with a splendid fall. On our walk today we passed two golden poplar trees fluttering their leaves in the know the 'clattering sound '......the sun lit them up as if they were made of pure gold. I wished for my phone so I could take a short video with was so magical that words cannot describe it. I forgot the phone and the bear spray at home.

Have a fun evening watching the votes come in.....we are torn between the Blue Jays and the election, so will be switching back and forth.

Love to you both,


beth bennett said...

That would be a beautiful sound and the pure gold color.
I am glad you did not meet a bear,
Yes I take baby aspirin.
I am much better today.
Just walked Haiti to the park.
cold and light misty rain.
Waiting for results.
Take care
love beth

Sandra said...

I guess you have to re-evaluate what makes a person relevant? What you have still compared to what you do not?

Lord if I know, I am still at the reaping in the bounty of grandchildren and kittens stage!


beth bennett said...

Sandra I do not understand your comments.

Stress in each like is different and most of it is happy rewarding stress.

A persons relevant is the total life that has been lived. Mistakes and failures that one has over come.

Being in a stroke like state is like no other and you lose your self-worth as part of what the brain is robbing you of. I cannot explain. You would like to be positive but you are not.

I am fortunate no matter real damaged happen.

These thoughts are just a tiny way to try to explain the impossible.

I too am reaping in the joyous experiences I have been so blessed to have. This does not come back quickly because a dark shadow tries to keep you in the negative.

I am just trying to help others understand that I am still me but a liitle shell-shocked.

Everyday good thoughts are chasing away the bad.

l0ve mom

Mama Lee said...

You're only able to do what you're able to do no matter what age or physical condition you're in. As long as you can still wiggle your fingers & toes, be glad. There are some who can't do that. I think we all just need to live our lives in gratitude for those we love & being able to do whatever we are able to do.
Take care of yourself!
Love, Lee