Monday, October 26, 2015


There were lots of hungry birds waiting for Kim and her three friends
at the bird sanctuary.  Kim fixes lunch for them all her friends and the birds,
Dad and I had a quiet day mainly looking for I pad
So sorry thought to be sleeping when Geof. and Jane came by,
So to all my family and friends.
Youi deserve the best
May all the good thingd you have brought to others be returned to you.
\may your steps be guided through all of life's challenges and your heart remember it's true calling.
May your future be filled with love.


nancy-Lou said...

Go to the apple help on and type in 'find my ipad'. You should be able to find it using their suggestions. I would be lost without my ipad! YIKES. Perhaps it slipped down the side of a chair..under a cushion perhaps?

Lucky birds for sure...that is quite a gaggle of ducks in one of the photos.

Have you heard of chromecast? It is a small device that attaches to your tv by the HDMI port and you can watch Netflix, Youtube, Crackle, and other things on your television. You need a subscription for Netflix...$8 a month. The others are free.I bought ours at Walmart and it is easy to install. Carl likes to watch the old tv shows like Sanford and Son,etc. on it.

Well we are off to our nearest town, to do some errands, banking, pharmacy etc.

Love, Nancy

Sandra said...

I dont know how you would have managed to have a nap with a house full of girls.

Did you find the ipad yet?

Yes, love is the best blessing of all. Being able to give and receive it.


beth bennett said...

Yes I found the I pod at the bottom back of the chesterfield.

Not thinking very well.

Love mom