Sunday, October 25, 2015


A nice path that goes right around the lake.

Even if we had had dad's walker we could have gone a little way.

Maybe next time id we get out to Pental's birthday party.  We sure want to go.

I was very disappointed to be sleeping when Jane and Geof came by.  I had been thinking of them and wanting a good chat.  I would have dearly loved to share that fantastic chocolate roll with you. and Geof!

What dear, dear friends.  Angels pop up when you need them!

We got busy looking for dad's lost I-pad and it is not to be found.

I feel the day felt lost not going to church.

I know You are here too Lord and are helping me let go of the unimportant things,  Help me find my way again.


Sandra said...

Oh, do you think the iPad is in the house?
We miss ours that Randy lost on the airplane.
We would have stopped by but got a very late start to our running around, did a lot of Skyping with Stephen and Shawna and then Mary.

beth bennett said...

The lost has been found after every nook and cranky was searched.
It had been last seen on the chesterfield but until we got done underneath and looked up it was stuck way at the back. I found it this morning as I knew it must be there,

Yes good to find things,

Glad you Skyped with family.

love mom.