Saturday, August 6, 2016


So good to have good news.

Another little great grandchild!  How amazing!
He brightened up our day!
He is going to be a special blessing!

Dad had a very good nights sleep and woke up in a good mood.  He had breakfast but soon felt nauseated  and lay down for a nap.  I tell him we should go to the emergency but no go.  He has a slight pain under his ribs.  He is content to watch the Olympics.  For me it is going to be a long wait to see the doctor on Wed.

If he has another bad night we will go to the emergency my mind is made up.

I had a wonderful morning with my neighbor  Melody.  It started off a busy morning for her as a friend walking her dog by her house fell when the leash got caught in her leg.  It was this ladies husband who came to help me when I fell.

Melody knows what she is doing and is a gentle pruner.  She just got started when another friend joined her and they were chatting away as the worked.  I told them to come any Sat. morning if they felt like it.

I am reminded that
my spiritual health greatly affects my physical health
and also taking care of my body with exercise and good food helps too.

Dad and I affected each other when one is not well.

I feel a spiritual energy when I pray for others
which helps me pray for myself.

Let me not pray to be sheltered from danger
but to be fearless in facing them.

Let me not beg for the stilling of my pain
but for the heart to conquer it.

Let me not crave in anxious fear to be saved
but hope for the patience to win my freedom.

Let me find the grasp of Your Hand in my failures Lord!
-  Rabindranath Tagore

The news will be full of the Olympics and there will be lots of excitement.

I am off to the garden to do a little more on my own. 


Sandra said...

I bet you both slept better knowing all of the things Dad's pain was not. Give me a call after you go to the hospital for the ultra sound today.


nancy-Lou said...

Oh my, that is good news, Larry has agreed to go to emergency! Please let us know how things are when you have a chance. Keeping my fingers crossed. Sending hugs.

How wonderful is that? You neighbours, giving you a hand in your garden. Now that is neighbourly love, for sure. Now it will be easier for you to look after it, Beth.
How about some photos of the garden and it's pruning, when you ahve a chance.

We had a doe with two small fawns here this morning and they were eating my zucchini plants or should I say the actual vegetable...they ate the small ones....sure have good taste, don't they?
Well I snuck out with my camera to take some photos, but they walked off into the bush....not ran. I guess that will be it for my zucchini's, but I knew they would "bite the dust" sooner or later to the deer. I have a large plant in the fenced backyard as back up. The deer have been pruning off my nasturtiums too...which only makes them bloom more profusely. AHHH the joys of living in the country....a yin and yang experience!

No news about our van yet. The appraiser will look at it on Wednesday. things in the country take time! We are hoping they will repair it or write it off or we will be without a vehicle. But I guess one can adjust to anything if they have to.

This morning is one of those soft, not a cloud in the sky summer mornings. One to commit to the memory bank for those cold winter days ahead!

Hoping for good news for Larry and you too, Beth,

Love, Nancy

Unknown said...

Hope that you receive , good news at emergency.and thank you so much for sharing that strong prayer, it reminds me of st. francis"s prayer . l think Tagore is hindu l know he is Indian. and very famous for his poetry.,but thats about all l know .l find prayer a help in connecting with god and also others l have found it particularly helpful in times of trouble lt is good to share with others the burden becomes lighter .love and good wishes for better health for both of you in mind body and soul. love and blessings and may the peace of god be with with you both. Love Jane.

nancy-Lou said...

Jane you always know exactly what to say. Such comforting words for Larry and Beth and for me too. We are having worrisome times and the prayer Beth posted today is very helpful.

Thank-you both, I am going to ask our Hindu doctor about Tagore, when we see him on Wednesday. He is a very special man.

Love, Nancy