Thursday, August 4, 2016


                          We all our hero's of our own stories.  We are never too old to be silly!

Hero's need a good sense of humor.
Theresa was certainly a hero handling the tragic situation with the horse.  It was head down and feet up and was completely stressed and very stuck.  Afterward they had to hose her down and she was given a pill by the vet.  Donna loves all her animals but especially the horse.  She had left numbers to phone but the vets were doing surgery.  Finally a neighbor came to help and others joined later.  A man missed the ferry because he stayed to help.  The horse had got over-excited seeing other horses riding too close  their property.

The donkey was trouble too when he tried to push Theresa down.  It also wanted to eat the horses food by trying to get in the horses stall.  Theresa just pushed back.

WE were so happy that they stopped in.

I had planned to go visiting but a bit weary after our wonderful visit and also Haiti is here for the day which means two walks.  After all the old dears are not going any where and If they do it is to a better place.

Every person is the hero seen or unseen of their own story.  Even though we are old we must never give up on seeing ourselves as hero's.  One who can be compassionate, interested, generous and kind.
Now is the tie to search and find inner strength using prayer to guide me.  There is the potential to make decisions on wisdom and freedom from the opinion of others,

"When love replaces fear and lessons from our past have been learned we have the potential to grow into a spiritual being aware of the loving awesome  Unseen Presence of God."    -Harold Klemp

A hero is some one who does not give up even when the future does not look good!


nancy-Lou said...

Unseen, we never know what is around the corner. do we? My goodness that was a harrowing experience for Theresa.....and the horse. What a good thing they saw her struggling and were able to get help. It seems things like this happen often when their owners are away.
My son's dog got lost when she was staying at a friend's home while they went to the Grey Cup and she was gone for a couple of days in -40 weather. Fortunately they found her.

UNSEEN was definitely the word of the day, Tuesday when I was coming home from the dentist and the van suddenly started making strange noises and quit running..I had to go to a farm house and called a tow truck. The lady there was my angel...what a wonderful person...I was pretty upset because the van was smoking, but she told me it would be all right and made me tea. It is a little worrying going to a strangers door and I was so lucky she was so nice and had just come home from work. I am going to take her some of my art cards....

I hit a huge pot hole in the parking lot of our doctor's office...the day before this and the oil must have been leaking out. I made an insurance claim and very thankful we have the extra converage for a rental car.

Did you see the photos Theresa took of their visit to Salt Spring? She sure has a talent for photography and the subject matter was so interesting to see.

We are off soon, to keep a doctor's appointment for Carl. With his respirologist...he has so many specialists.Our son, Bob will drive us in to the city where we will pick up a rental car.

wishing you both a great day,

Love, Nancy

Unknown said...

WHAT A LEARNING LESSON AND EXPERIeNCE with the horse quite frightening too.l have always been a bit wary of horses they are so much bigger than l am., but l have enjoyed what little riding l have done. We are going to cosco today
four of us to share the spoils.

this afternoon Aileen Watson is coning and will stay for supper will either have shrimp salad or go out depends on how the shrimp looks and is priced. Have a good day all. Jane.

Sandra said...

After all that adventure and work on the farm I bet Theresa will be happy to be back to her normal busy life.

I guess they will be preparing next for Ben's move to live with his grampa.

Randy and I are very boring and have not saved any one or thing lately.


beth bennett said...

Jane I was thinking of you never to old to be silly
being a stand up comic at Sorrento.
Also we have had lots of fun doing things
a little crazy.

Nancy That was not a good experience with
your car but thankfully it happen near a good
caring persons home.

Yws you do have a lot of appointments,
Hope all goes well.
Love Beth