Monday, August 8, 2016


                                          Not out of the woods yet!
The healing power of prayer will help us onto a healing path.

Time to begin healing!
The gallbladder is full of stones and it appears one caught in the passage to the liver as revealed with a high blood count.  Dad is sleeping a lot which is good.  He has an appetite and he will have to be on a low fat diet.  He has no pain right now but is exhausted and so am I.

He needs another blood test to help us with a decision about an operation or not.

I drove to the hospital early Sunday morning and drove like a wild teen-ager nearly causing an accident.  I made a stupid mistake.  I need to keep driving or we can always take a taxi   I have friends who have offered to drive also.

I think we our on the way to better health,

These are my helpers that are cleaning out a way where I can walk a little bit more safely.

It is hard for me to have other people doing things because sometimes more gets removed than I like.

Just do your best and take a rest and sing yourself a song!
-Snow White

1 comment:

nancy-Lou said...

My goodness, you were so brave, Beth, to drive Larry to emergency in the middle of the night. I am glad you averted an accident. I am sure you must have been very upset.
Maybe call an ambulance the next time? They can assess the patient and stabilize them and take them to the hospital if needed. A lot easier on you too!

We have first responders, who live in our area, who come and assess the patient as to what they aiding them to get up after a fall. If an ambulance is needed it is dispatched at the same time, but takes longer to get here.

Well at least you know what is causing Larry's illness and if surgery is needed it won't be the open abdomen surgery they used to do that took quite a while to recover from. Not something to look forward to, but if it means he won't have another occurrence, a good thing to do! I keep you both in my prayers....

Now that sure was nice of your neighbours to give you help, wasn't it? They have cleared out quite a path for will look better soon!

We are blessed in knowing all our neighbours and business owners here...sure helps when you need with our van. We know the family who own the local garage. Makes it easier. No news yet on the van. We are hoping the insurance covers the cost of a new engine or they will write off the van. I would miss the closeness of our small community if we have to move away. We have lived here 40 years this year. Built our home here. We moved from Winnipeg where Carl was a sergeant with Winnipeg Police Dept.

I wish you a quiet day to re-new your energy. Today is humid and hot and air conditioners are on, once again! Thankful for them on days like this!

Love, Nancy