Tuesday, August 2, 2016


                                                                  Theresa, Morgan and Ben arrive with some amazing stories.
Theresa and Morgan have been over at Salt Springs looking after a horse and a donkey and chickens and sheep and lama's.  The horse needed rescuing after running into a wire fence and getting all entangled.  The horse was frantic but Theresa called for help and after some very anxious moments managed to set her free.  She did call the vet as there was a cut on her neck and leg.  Morgan had to run up and down the hill to get a phone and phone numbers for her mom.  They both did a heroic job

Ben shared the exciting saves he made playing goal and also told of visiting different places in Mexico.  He seems more and more grown up as Morgan does as well.

Ben took a picture of pokeman at the park for grandpa.

Morgan and I took Haiti for a walk and she is very excited about getting her own dog soon.

Having fun with these pillows as they are leaving.  We knew Morgan would like one but surprised that Ben did too.



Sandra said...

I can imagine how stressful that must have been for Theresa having the horse getting caught in the fence. Always worse when it isnt your own pet I think.

That was so nice of them to stop off and tell you all their stories.


beth bennett said...

Yes we were very happy to see them and have a long visit.

Thank you for phoning.

love mom