Monday, August 1, 2016


We had an early morning visit from Carol and Panteli who are driving to California to visit a friend.
They dropped Haiti off as Kim is not back from Salt Springs.  I am always happy to have a walk with her.

I am sitting her with an cold bag of peas on my hand which is swollen and painful.
Maybe some kind of a bite.
Dad dug some daisy's up in my garden.  A very big root and his thinking is to make a path but it still is uneven ground.  Right now it looks ugly but maybe later in the evening I will see what I can do to make it look a little better.

After digging he had lunch in his shade deck where it was nice and cool.
A breeze sure makes it better.

Prayer could be said to be paying attention to the dependency of all things on God.

Also people pray because life can be full of problems which may cause doubts.

For me it helps me to be hopeful;.


Sandra said...

I am working from home today to make up for all of the time off I have been taking. Randy got called in late to go in to work which is a good this as it is harder to work with him distracting me.


Anonymous said...

Matthews birthday card arrived today. Make sure you eat some nice healthy sugar free full fat yoghurt.

Anonymous said...

Great photo, Beth. We arrived fine in Portland and spent the evening at one of Rick's favourite bookstores called Powells. They had an author talk. We leave for San Fransisco on Wednesday!Panteli

nancy-Lou said...

Such beautiful couple Carol and Panteli are! Their trip sounds wonderful and it is such a beautiful time of year to travel. Have a good time, you two!

Good for Larry for wrestling with those daisy roots! They can be very invasive can't they? Be careful Beth if you go out in that garden again. You don't want to fall.

I had a good cry this morning when I turned on the laptop and the first thing that greeted me was a photo of two boys who had drowned last evening at the beach near us. They were 10 and 12 years old and their family was on the beach. The water was pretty we don't know what happened. It is so important to teach your children to swim at a young age.

How wonderful to have Haiti come for a walk...I bet she enjoyed sniffing all those spots she remembers. It has been too hot for us to walk here, unless I get up at 5am and that is the time the bears and wolves are around. No sense tempting fate is there?

I am off to the dentist today. It is such a beautiful drive this time of year...through farmland. The gardens in the yards are so lush and large. It is an area that was settled by Ukrainian people and the have a green thumb. It is an hour drive to Beausejour....a lovely prairie town. Have to take the van in tomorrow to see what is making a noise in the motor. Hoping it isn't anything too expensive. I still want to trade it off for a smaller car...but Carl isn't too struck on the idea. He doesn't like any change at all. Yesterday wasn't a good day for him...but he is better today.

Well have to do some framing before I leave

Have a GREEEAAAT day!

Love, Nancy