Monday, August 15, 2016


This picture does not do justice to Sandra's back yard.

Carol and Panteli found their garden in poor shape but gardens are like dogs and husbands who need continual care!  I am still doing laundry again. 

Dad had a good day yesterday with three light meals.  He will phone the surgeons office today and either get an appointment or a surgery date.  Yes it may be awhile.  Diet and pain pills and a little gradual exercise would be a help.

I took our laundry soap over to Linda and had a long visit.  I learned that the drug rehabilitation program provides journals for people and they are encouraged to write down their deepest feelings.  I have done that for years.

I have found that the best way to think of God is of a healing presence that wants to be close to us.  He knows every cell of our being and has created us spiritually to be able to receive His love.

"Love is amazingly powerful, even when we cannot see what love does."

I am trying to imagine this unconditional love moving upon dad and within him with every breath he takes.  Bigger breathes slow and gradual will help to heal and restore his soul and his body.


Unknown said...

glad you had such a good day yesterday great pictures of the fun in the pool.l am so grateful to you Beth for getting me started to do journaling It has been a great help over many many years and i will never forget your generosity in sharing one of your journals with me . that must have been about 40 years ago and l have been journaling ever since.May you continue to learn good management skills for Larry's condition. Take good care of yourselves.( You belong to god.or so l believe we all do.) much Love , Jane.

nancy-Lou said...

By golly, you are bright and early posting your blog this morning, Beth. The photo of Sandra's garden is so pretty! I love the reds and oranges. I think they are zinnia's, right? They are one of my favourite flowers, but I didn't grow any this year. Next year for sure!

Good to hear Carol and Panteli arrived home safely after their long trip. I was wondering if they took 101. It is such a gorgeous drive. We did that a few times...and think the Oregon coast is the most beautiful of all.

Also glad Larry is doing OK, with watching his diet. Hopefully, the surgeon will be able to operate in the near future. I am sure he doesn't want to go through that pain again. Good luck with the phone call, Larry.

I am hoping to hear from Autopac today with some good news regarding our van. Have a few phone calls to make too.

The hot, humid summer weather continues, with 4 days of hot weather. I don't like to shut up the house and turn on the air conditioners, but it will be necessary. It is nice for the cottagers. Soon enough, summer will be over and the kids will be back to school.

I am watching a series called A Place to Call Home. It is an Aussie series and pretty good. It takes place in 1953...takes me back to my childhood. Have you seen it? I believe it is on BBC CAnada and also should be available at your library. It is similar to Downtown Abbey...about a wealthy family.I recommend it.

I wish you a good day, with little pain and lots of rest.

Love, Nancy

Sandra said...

I was talking to Carol on Saturday and we were saying it would be a good idea to have a little journal book that you or dad take to the hospital when there is a stay involved. That way the family could write notes (questions) for the doctor and they could leave notes for us? You could get one ready for each of you that included medications and maybe relevant past history?

That way you could just bring it along and if you were not in the best shape for talking at the time at least some basic information could be passed on..


nancy-Lou said...

I don't know about BC, but in Manitoba all our medical records are available to any doctor at the touch of a computer. That is the first thing they do, is bring up our records on line.
This has only taken place in the last 6 months.

It would be helpful for information from the doctor to the family, but not sure if they would take the time to write it down.

Love, Nancy

Steady-as-rain said...

Glad to hear Dad is doing better. Maybe the surgery won't be necessary, if things settle down. I'm sure more vegetables and fewer cookies might help. (And, yes, I'm very aware this is a kettle and pot situation!)

Looks like the birthday party for Mandy was quite a success, so that is good!

I'm flying out for Guyana tomorrow afternoon. If I can find some Wifi access, I might be able to put up a few photographs on Facebook. Back on the Labour Day weekend, hopefully just in time to celebrate the arrival of Leah and Craig's baby girl.



Anonymous said...

Great news Dads eating some solids. Don't forget eggnog? Very healthy ,add frozen fruit , full fat no sugar yoghurt. Jasmine home today sick. She has the same cough as I had earlier in the week. Watching the Olympic in the rain !!! Looks like fun.😳