Tuesday, August 16, 2016


Dad has had three meals with oatmeal again for breakfast and fish for supper.
He is pain free.  He has an appointment with the surgeon for Aug. 24.  He has a nice receptionist so that is a plus.  Now the next thing will be to get a bit of exercise.  Ken phoned on his way into work and Carol stopped by on her way home.  Dad appreciates visits and calls.  He is not feeling too good,
probably needs to get built up.

I began the third day of trying to get the soap smell out of the clothes and sheets and blankets and towels.  Dad is very sensitive to smells and gets a tight chest.  I even air them out doors and changed to a special soap.  Hopefully this will help.

I am reading about a pastor in a gang poor area of Los Angeles.  They declare their church a refuge church and the church is full of down and outs sleeping on the pews.  The worst thing is the smell that they leave of unwashed bodies and dirty feet.  They continue to do it anyway.

I love opening our door in the morning and smelling the garden.

Some one did not clean up after their dog today and I stepped in it.  What an awful smell.  Not the nicest way to start the day.  I will get back to my walking and we will cut the grass to day.

Thankful that I can smell.  Right Jane!

Today I think we will go out for awhile maybe even for lunch.

"Not everything that is faced can be changed
but nothing can be changed until it is faced."
- James Baldwin
Dad is very sensitive to smells


nancy-Lou said...

YAY, for Larry, eating again and pain free! I hope things continue on like this. Good to know he has the appointment with the surgeon, in the near future. Things are looking up, Beth!

I don't like fragrances in soaps etc either. Some are downright obnoxious aren't they? I use vinegar in the final rinse and it takes away any smells and softens the clothes and they don't smell of vinegar at all.

Talking of a sense of smell, we often take for granted how beautiful it is here...I was walking with our Granddaughter and she remarked how good it smells here...and she is right. We have many pine and other coniferous trees here and the smell is so fresh and clean and apparently very healthy. She wants to build a place here in a few years and picked out a nice spot on our property. She still has two years of engineering ...but is thinking ahead.

My poor son, lost his female cat yesterday morning. She rarely leaves her yard and she didn't return home. He found skid marks on his driveway looking as though an owl tried to pick her up and it dragged her for a few feet first. There was some grey fur as well. That is the second cat to go missing this week. Our next door neighbout lost a cat too in a similar fashion. He was last seen in a drive way. Horned Owls are predators of cats and we do have them here.

Have a great Tuesday....keep up the healing, Larry,

Love, Nancy

Sandra said...

That is good that dad is getting in to see the surgeon so quickly, hopefully that translates to surgery happening soon as well.

There are a number of scent free laundry soaps, have you switched to one of those?

I am glad that Missy does not go far from the house any more. The biggest birds we have flying overhead these days are just the crows.

Unknown said...

Sounds as if things are looking up in the Bennett household. As you know l have no sense of smell It has pluses and minuses l don't smell that horrid dog poo smell but l miss smelling the roses.enjoy your day as much as possible. Love Jane.

Mama Lee said...

I'm so glad to hear that Larry is enjoying a day of being pain-free. Let's pray that that continues. Also glad to hear that the surgeon appointment is coming up quickly.

I've been using Sunlight packs that don't have any phosphates, scent or "the bad stuff" in it for Dave for a couple of years now. It's the only one I've buy now for all the clothes. Nothing worse than seeing him scratching his back up against a door frame!

Hope you're enjoying this lovely evening!

Love, Lee