Saturday, August 13, 2016


                                    Wonderful sunrise couldn't find my camera.
Wonderful news Ken is coming to visit Sept. 20th.  Yeah!

Dad is about the same.  I suggest he try to eat a little but with a little fruit and juice he seems to be controlling the pain.  He has to make an appointment to see the surgeon about taking out his gallbladder.  I will write on my blog if we have to go to the hospital.  He is looking forward to going to Mandy's party at the party house.  Sandra and Randy of course.

I have been trying to be organized but am failing completely.

I checked dad's pockets before washing his clothes but managed to miss the one with the paper on with contacting the doctor.  I managed to rescue it in time when dad asked for it.  I dried it with paper towel and later through the paper towel with the paper in it into the garbage.  Looked for it and did find it.

I bought a salmon at the store because dad can at fish when he starts eating but left it at the store.
I will get my money back when I go back.

I said yes to the man at the door who wants to do our gutters but he was charging too much so had to phone him back.

I am now looking my denture when I take it out and then panic because I do not have any idea where it is.

I am giving up being organized,

'The struggles and the chaos are a part of life.
But you can accept them with grace and serenity
because they have their own gifts too."  -Demi Lovato


Steady-as-rain said...

I gave up being organized many years ago. It is sort of a Buddhist sort of thing.



nancy-Lou said...

Awe, Beth. that must be awfully frustrating for you! My goodness you have had a difficult few days and no wonder you are forgetting things. You did bring a smile though with the way you wrote about losing things....dentures in particular! I have them too and only take them out at night....I could see myself answering the door without, them otherwise!

How wonderful to hear Ken is coming to visit all the way from Australia! That is a long way away!

I will look forward to hearing about the party and seeing photos!

Love, Nancy

Unknown said...

What a good idea giving up trying to be organized .Life doesn't organize well .It keeps throwing curved balls at us.Yesterday my cousin Elizabeth organized a party as part of our 60th wedding anniversary celibrations and on our way there Geof pulled a hamstring in his leg and could hardly walk. He is not too good today so will not go to church. Really good news that Ken is coming to visit . Something to look forward to . and a party at Sandra's is cheering. So keep on carrying on . All good wishes and love. Jane.

Sandra said...

That is great that Randy is coming for a visit. It seemed like you guys did ok yesterday. I am hoping no news is good news.


beth bennett said...

Yes good news about Ken.

Yes we nearly did not come dad had spent the morning in bed.

It did him the world of good. Nothing like taking your mind of yourself.

Dad had porridge this morning with toast and no pain
so far. Now what to try next.

I did not go to church due to a task of washing everything as
the smell of the laundry soap is bothering day. His chest feels tight and his nose is running and he cannot catch it.

I am looking after myself too.
Had a short walk.

Dad can help with laundry!

Love mom