Friday, August 5, 2016


Morgan and I stopped to look at these tiny little flowers in the midst of stepping stones.

Friday was a day when I was feeling exhausted after being awake most of the night worrying about whether to call for am ambulance as dad was sitting in the chair having a lot of pain.  Felt like his liver attack but also his ribs were very sore and hurt to touch.  He had carried heavy garbage pails out so that was a possibility but also so there is always a deep anxiety that it could be his heart.

He took some pills and the pain lessoned and he feel into a fitful sleep.  As he drifted off he saw a Chinese man as clear as day standing outside our window looking very concerned.  I was unable to sleep.  I do not feel adequate to make these grave decisions, not only grave but life-threating.  I would like to have steps or some sign to help me make the right decision.  Dad is very calm and stoic when he is in pain so he has once again talked me out of any action.

Morning brings the wonderful news that Shawna has had her baby boy and both are being cared for by Stephen who is very happy and proud.

Morning also brought a phone call from Jane who was going to be in the area.  I would have loved to have a visit and I was so appreciative of being able to share my concerns with her.  Another day.

Morning brought Sandra over and she reminded me of the phone numbers she had put on my frig. to call for nursing help.  It was helpful to share what for dad and I had been a nightmare that left us very weak the next day; just to talk about our feelings and anxieties.  Sandra what a blessing!

Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God -  Corrie Ten boom

I need to write some scriptures down beside my bed to help me when I feel confused.

Whenever I am afraid I will trust in You.
In God I have put my trust
I will not fear - Psalm 56:3-4

Scripture has the potential to be my stepping stones if I allow Love to replace Fear.
That along with good advice from family and friends keep hope alive!

In all your ways acknowledge Him
and He shall direct your paths. -Proverbs 3:5 and 6.

Dad awoke free of pain but very, weak.  He has an appointment for next Wed. which is not bad these days,  We will go to a clinic or the hospital if this pain returns.
I have wanted him to go see the doctor for several weeks so some thing good has happened.
He is losing weight and also his appetite.

I have had a nap and now will cut the grass and water my thirsty little flowers!


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear dads unwell. Sounds like a rib ? I am off to the dentist. May go to the movies this afternoon .

beth bennett said...

Thanks Ken.
Enjoy your movie,
Love Mom

Sandra said...

So, has the last 24 hours seen any improvement? The the pain stay away or come back? I had a quiet day, finally got some weeding done in my garden.


nancy-Lou said...

So sorry to hear that Larry had such pain and a bad night. It must have been very scary for you both....maybe if he won't let you call an ambulance or go to the emergency, you could call Sandra or Carol and they would come over and take control of what needs to be done.

I know, you both wouldn't want to disturb your daughters..but I am sure they would come right away.

When my Father in Law was having pain in the middle of the night. My Mother in Law called us and I went there at 4am. He didn't want an ambulance ..but I convinced him to let me drive him to the hospital. I was pretty sure he was having a heart attack.
My Mother in Law wasn't even going to come...and it was 115 kms one way. I told her I couldn't look after him, I had to drive, so she came. Yes, he had a serious heart attack.

So, please, if it happens again and Larry is being stubborn ( as most men are ) call one of your daughters, they will know what to do.

I am glad the pain is gone and Larry has an appointment for this both are in my prayers. Gosh my prayer list is growing...there are a lot of folks who are not well. Must be a sign I am getting older!

Just take things easy, as you are doing and try and not worry. I know that is very hard to happens to me too. I was awake for a few night feeling so guilty about seizing th motor on our van. Worrying about how we are going to be able to afford another car...but you know, you must have to put it in the hands of God and let him look after it.

We went and cleaned out the van, of our personal things and the cooler and boxes yesterday. So sad to see it in the car compound at the mechanics...thinking we may never get it back. The appraiser is looking at it on Wednesday and we hope he will find fault with the first repair to the oil pan etc, when all the oil drained out after hitting a pot hole. The mechanic told me he thinks there was damage done to the oil pump at that time. If our insurance doesn't cover it, we won't have a car. So crossing my fingers!

It is a beautiful Saturday and I don't have a class...too tired, the past week has been very busy. I will paint in the studio...working on some India Ink paintings of the beaches where I will paint in some watercolour washes...not a lot, but a hint of colour is all they need. They look nice framed in a black frame.

I wish you a pain free day with lots of rest. The Olympics are on now, so perhaps you can watch some too,

Love to you both,

beth bennett said...

Dad has had a few twinges of pain.

He had a good supper and a good rest last night.

Thank you for prayers and helpful advice.

Love mom (beth)

Unknown said...

l would have loved to see you too but as it turned out we were very short of time and would not been able to make it as the traffic was awful and we were stopped for over half an hour we had a very brief visit with Margret who seemed in good spirits was looking well quite a lot of new hair and was wearing make up and was in her right mind. We had a very good visit with Lucille and Ed .We will really miss them they have been very good friends espacially when l was so down with problems with Samantha.l was so sorry to hear about your problems during the night it must have been so scary for you l think Nancy lou gave you very good advice it is too difficult to make these kinds of decisions alone. We will be coming over to Colebrook for the Chutes appreciation party on the 28th but we do hope to see before then. Much love, Jane.