Saturday, August 20, 2016


I was up early doing some watering sitting in a chair.

Dad was up early too as his appointment with his doctor was first thing.  It was very re - assuring and he did tell him to watch is diet because it is better to be healthy at the time of the surgery.  We drove to Langley to have a look around Chapters and then over to Milestones.  Dad had a hamburger and I had a salad and he seems to be okay.  No chips.  Pick up a few bargains and dad took his book out to the shade deck but the wasps were buzzing all around him and that was annoying.
It is very hot here in the 30's which is too hot for us.  We were suppose to visit Pat and John but have postponed it until next week.

Yes our phone is now fixed it was pulled out of the wall.  Here I am thinking it was everyone else's problem.

"Many opportunities to make choices will come again today.
We will try to be thoughtful and make choices that will lead to wholeness."

Off for a short walk while it is cooler.


Sandra said...

Good to hear the doctor visit went well. Seeley is a typical second baby. Just a good boy who sleeps and eats and does not make a fuss. There house looks very nice, but bare as they have not yet put pictures or curtains up or area rugs.

Unknown said...

lam glad that Larry's visit to the Dr went well and that you have been reassured that you are doing the right things.Elizabeth and and hen We went to horseshoe bay for a fish and chip supper new friendsl went shopping and l bought a quite smart little dress at a 2nd hand store and in the afternoon l went for a swim in the ocean with someSorry this has got all muddled up .l hope you can make sense out of it , must relearn how to cut and paste.Try to stay cool ( a couple of showers a day helps and l have given up wearing a bra for the time being .) Love Jane.

nancy-Lou said...

Haha..laughing about your phone being unplugged, because ours was too, for two days. I pulled the plugs out when we had a lightening storm the other night and plugged in the computer and not the phone. Never missed it at all. Mind you I am not a phone person....I don't mind short calls or business calls, but not one to yak on the phone.

Oh boy, temps in the 30's fo Vancouver is high. You don't have air conditioning like we do.
Mind you, we get that humid steamy air from the southern states and it is awful...smothering.

Isn't it wonderful to have another Great Grandson..gosh your family is huge compared to ours! We have 5 in all! Including our Granddaughter. Your new little guy looks so cute in the blue and white outfit you bought for him. Sweet baby. A different name, Seeley....very nice.

The watercolour class today was one of the nicest this year...very low key and lots of friendly chatting. Everyone got their paintings completed too! We did sunflowers with a dark blue background. Chey,my protegee, was here too and as usual her painting was better than mine. She is only 17 and so talented. A lovely girl too. I wish she lived closer to me and we could spend more time together. Go plein air painting together..down at hidden lake or at the beach.

Roxy is missing a rooster and we are thinking the owl must have taken it...either that or the lynx. We have a great grey family of owls in the dense bush behind us...he was hooting last night to the full nice to see and hear...but not so nice if he is taking cats and roosters. She has more roosters...they are going to butcher all the roosters but one, soon, because they get to be bullies to each other and can kill each other too.
They found the missing rooster in the wood pile. hiding.

Have I told you how much I love living in the country? Always something happening!

Glad to hear Larry saw his doctor and he received good advice. Stay away from spicy food, Larry! So glad you are better and enjoy eating again.

Have a good night's sleep,

Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

Looks like you have cooler weather for the next few days. I'm working today , Sunday , for a mate as his son's playing in footy finals. I get Tuesday morning off in exchange. Spring is around the corner here Lots of blossoms on the trees. Kids are all better now. Fingers crossed that will be it for a while.