Friday, August 26, 2016


Yes our roles in life do change.  Dad and I enjoy company but encourage them to help themselves.
At times we may need to take a nap and if we have no food in the house we have a store near by.

Each of has played many roles in life.
A child or a parent
A mother and a wife
A friend and a companion
A giver or a taker
A lover or a fighter
A talker or a listener
A time of adversity or times of peace.
A  believer or a non-believer.

I believe in a compassionate God who inspires us to reach out to each other.

Today I met Joanne on my walk and I felt we were meant to meet.  She did someone to listen with understanding not answers.

There is a light that shines upon us and deep within that is greater than all the darkness of our past and lights up our future. 

It is hard when I am having a down day to be cheerful and patient but I know that it is also hard for dad.  This were unconditional love is needed.

"If there is no peace,
we have forgotten we belong to each other."  Mother Teresa

Dear God,
I believe in the power of prayer
and also the wisdom that I now have to pray with compassion and understanding.
"May love prevail in us and in the hurting world."
Love is the creative force that produces hope and courage.
Praying for dad, Leah, Cameron and Shandel and Melina and Ken for healing and protection.

1 comment:

nancy-Lou said...

Sorry to hear Melina is going to have surgery. I too, will keep Melina and Ken in my prayers...the list is growing every day as I am sure yours is too, Beth.

I think it is pretty common to have a "down" day after waiting all that time to find out about Larry's feel relieved, finally having an answer!
I was glad to hear you met your friend on your walk and had a good chat with her. Some people are natural listeners, aren't they. We need more of them.

I had a tough day. Started out with a fun event judging the photography exhibition.

Then a drive to into Pine Falls to take the mechanic some information about previous repairs on our van.

Then to Beausejour to see the dentist again. I called this morning to say I still had pain from the root canal and swelling and infection and my antibiotics were almost gone....he wanted to see me.
Well they did a CT scan and they found the dentist missed another I had another root canal....oh glory! Two in one week.
This time it was a young dentist who looked like he should still be in high school, but he was very thorough...took over an I have to take another round of antibiotics and go back for the final treatment. I will see the young dentist again...not the other guy!

Must have driven over 200kms today and the highways were busy with weekend cottagers coming to the beaches. Love my little rental car...the Nissan Micra. Going to miss it when it has to be returned on Thursday.

It is nice for you to have Tyler visiting you. Is he from Australia too? A Grandson?

Well I am off to an early bed and wish you a good sleep tonight, Beth.

Love, Nancy