Tuesday, August 9, 2016


                                Off to the hospital.  Dad is chilled and running a temperature.  Sandra is coming to drive us.  Thank you for prayers.

                               My courage comes from my faith and trust in Goodness.
I have a living breathing example of courage when I look to Jesus as my savior who through forgiveness has given me the amazing gift of Grace!
I believe He knows what I am feeling and will faithfully walk through it was us.  Dad and me. He offers His strength and His wisdom and when I am exhausted from anxiety He offers rest
for my soul!

Off to the hospital,

Whoops nearly forgot to put my teeth in.


nancy-Lou said...

Oh dear, I do hope that the doctors can do something for Larry. Such a worry for you too, Beth. I am so glad you have your faith to fall back on in these times of worry and anxiety. You also have your amazing daughters close by too, to be there when you need them....just as we do with our sons.

Thank-you for keeping us updated here...it is our only contact with you. We worry for you both too! May God walk with you both and bring you comfort. Sorry I don't have the gift of words as you do, but I think you get my meaning! Be sure and get enough rest, Beth.

Love to you both,

beth bennett said...

Thanks Nancy
You are a blessing and a help to me.

love beth