Friday, August 5, 2016


                     Yes I have been on a fantastic spiritual Journey and what fun I have had!
and what great friends I have made! What love I have experience with my faith,
my family and my friends.  I have learnt  by studying scripture, reading and
listening to the experiences of others.  I have been blessed when I have shared
my faith on the path of my journey.  There are many paths that one can follow.
What strength and comfort, peace and joy I have experienced.

                     Yes, I have had times of disappointment when I felt lost and alone.

I am so thankful that at an early age I was taught that Jesus was my friend too.  My best friend Lynn lived close by and we went to school and Sunday school together,  Our father's both worked for the railway so when she moved away to North Battle ford we could travel by train to see each other.  She married one of dad's good friends.  We catch up each year at Christmas.  I have never been one to E-Mail.

Justin Martyr, was a philosopher who was a part of a group who discussed many things but the answers did not satisfy his soul.  Eventually he ended up with the Platonist who believed in a high God, beyond human comprehension, was described as divine energy-or Logos overflowing to touch the souls of humans.  It was when he was convinced this divine energy-this Logos had become flesh that could be encountered in the person of Jesus he converted to Christianity.

He lived out his life as a philosopher thinking that truth-seekers needed to step out of the confines of pure reasoning and embrace a first hand knowledge of  reality.

I know that this life giving energy can be experienced  when there is openness and humility!

So today dad and I journeyed to the Seniors home.  I went in and did my visiting while he went over to the second hand store.  He found some new outdoor chair cushions in perfect condition  just the same as our old torn ones.

We came home and just finished eating when Pat and John arrived with vegetables and cookies for dad special low in sugar.  Pat is a very good cook and they are good friends for both of us!

"Each of us leads unique lives with experiences that no one else will ever completely understand."

But we need to share our stories of our journey anyway.

I am up with dad who is not feeling well,  Aches and pain and nausea.
He may have bruised ribs taking out heavy garbage,
Refusing to go to hospital.
Sleeping now.


Sandra said...

Randy broke another rib yesterday climbing into the attic. AND!!!! We have a new baby. He does not have a name yet but Shawna gave birth just before 5 am this morning. Stephen has a big job now to get everything back into the house so she can come home.


nancy-Lou said...

Congratulations, Sandra and Randy...on the arrival of another Grandchild! How many does that make? You will be busy Grandparents come Christmas time. Let us know the name, once they decide.

Beth, I enjoy hearing your stories from when you were young. How nice to have a good friend to go to church with and school too. I had a good friend like that too, but don't see her often anymore. I must call her. Please write more stories about your younger years!

Good for Larry coming up with some more good finds at the thrift store. I love going there, but we haven't had time when we go to the city lately....too many things to do otherwise.

The journey...we have no idea what our life is going to be like when we are a child do we? We wonder who we will marry and how many children we will have....but when we look back it has been quite a journey hasn't it? Filled with times of love and times of sorrow and worry too. My church and faith certainly got me through some tough times too...very grateful for that.

We got a rental car from Enterprise rentals yesterday and it is a very small car...Carl has a hard time getting in and out because it is low, but that is all our insurance pays for a small car. It is a Nissan Micra. Bright cherry red in colour..not too peppy, but good enough for the highway. a 4 cldr.

Roxie was here today picking the apples from out two trees. She also picked the nettles..with big gloves. Not sure what she does with them, but she is welcome!

I wish you a lovely evening,

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Good news from Shawna and Stephen I sure have been praying for them every time I think of them.
Too bad about Randy I can relate and so can dad having pain is no fun.

Thanks for coming over Sandra.

Love Mom