Monday, July 20, 2020


We are looking for a lost relative.
A request from a family member unknown to us.
Out came the photo albums and the search was on.
Carol and Theresa doing the looking.

This is what happens when people look into their family history.

It is more difficult when some people have been hidden and not talked about.

Also there have been adoptions.

One picture we receive from the searcher looks like Theresa.
Also Uncle Buckie looks like some one too.

This is what we were doing on Sunday morning.

In the afternoon Carol and Theresa would attend Morgan's dance recital.
 this is the first one we have missed.
Only a few were allowed to go.

Dad and I had a quiet day.
Theresa had sent over some salads from the party
which was good as we did not feel like going out.

I had a phone call from my brother
he is going through a tough time.
His boys are a great help to him.

I am thankful that his faith in God remains strong. 


Sandra said...

So, did you find a picture of anyone that you were looking for?

How is progress going on choosing paint colours? Did the paint company lady get ahold of you?

We will start our drive home tomorrow afternoon and just go half way to Blue River. The drive up was great, but found the day after was very jet laggy feeling. Since I am back to work on Thursday getting home Wednesday around noon will help a lot with that.

Every one is doing fine, Shawna of course is tired and a bit overwhelmed at times. Cameron and Shandel our going to Jasper next weekend for her birthday.

We drove by Mandi and James new home, and it really is new! Only 3/4 build and the yard still are mud and building debris. It is on the west side of Hwy 2, very far south though is a brand new community. They have done a fantastic job making parks and ponds and shopping areas. I guess no one has gotten the memo that Albera is not doing well.

We went out to see Adena a couple of times. Her little boy Brady is a very happy little guy and will be quite the character I am sure. They were hoping to move this year as their house is quite small, but his business has been hit hard by Covid. Adena will be back teaching school in September, but she is not sure how much will be online and how much in class.

We are just about to head over to help Lincoln learn to ride his 2 wheel bike with no training wheels, we will see how that goes!


Ken Bennett said...

I got my payout figures , now I have to decide if I stay or go.Not easy decision with young kids still in school. Day 2 of home schooling .

beth bennett said...

So good to hear your news.
No we did not find who we were looking for.
This person who is asking knows all about us?

Tough decision Ken.

I still think I may wake up and have dreamed it all.

Too hot here today.
Too hot for me and Spenser.
but not for dad.

Love mom