Sunday, July 12, 2020


                                          Nature brings new life and new beauty into our daily life.
                                          These are the flowers that I gave to Carol to plant in her yard.
                                          These are my neighbors and I hope my are this beautiful

The beauty of the sunrise was a surprise this morning.  I thought it called for rain and cloud,

We enjoyed a visit from Carol and Panteli Saturday morning.  They were on their way to home depot.

Seems both them and Sandra and Randy are fixing up or painting their homes.

Sandra and Randy brought some paint colors for our outside paint job.

Dad seems to be happy and excited about getting the house painted.  Looking at all the different colors.After they left dad and I worked in the yard.  Found it very tiring.

Dad rode his indoor bike because he needs to get his strength back.

Faith in the power of love and the power of prayer and the beauty of nature
helps restore my hope for the future and it colors my world with beauty.

I left this for too late in the day.  Off to bed now.


Ken Bennett said...

Good news Jasmine was negative Celiac .Dr says we will monitor her Iron levels .


Sandra said...

I have contacted to arborist and and them to revise thier quote to just cut down the one tall skinny cherry tree and to prune everything else the same. I gave your number for them to call and schedule a time.

Sorry we did not hang around longer, just wanted to get the painting finished and paint put away. Took us till 5:00.

Theresa is dropping by Tuesday for pool cleaning lessons. If you wanted to drop by for a visit, take Spencer for a drive, you could come over at 5:00 as well.


Steady-as-rain said...

Lovely photograph! Is that flower from your garden?

Good news that Jasmine doesn't have celiac.

Have any mice turned up in the traps?



beth bennett said...

Good news about Jasmine.

Why is her iron low?

Yes the tree man visited us.

No mice in any traps yet.
