Saturday, July 18, 2020


A perfect day for a pool party.
This is Carol and Morgan
Justice and Ben had fun jumpimg in.


Steady-as-rain said...

So, the new battery in the camera seems to worked very well. Looks like lots of fun! Plenty of sun, as well.

Yes, sometimes they need to look two or three times, it seems.



Sandra said...

Looks like we missed a good party. You must be feeling better. Not great weather here today we will have to find something interrupted to do.

Ken Bennett said...

Wow looks great ! Home schooling starts today. ugh

beth bennett said...

Home schooling does not sound like fun.

Yes I am slowly getting some energy back.

Always wonderful to be with all these young happy people.

Love mom

nancy-Lou said...

Well that was quite the story about the cameras. Sometimes I think salespeople are not honest, they just want to make commissions. Sorry to say, but I think they try and take advantage of seniors.
I was shopping at a smaller store and talking with the owner as he checked me through and on the counter were two bags of fruit..they were discounted and getting soft..but perfectly fine. So I took one, saying I wouldn't buy both.
I keep my eyes on the cash register bill as he is scanning things but didn't see that he charged me for two bags...I hate to say it but I think it was deliberate...I know people make mistakes, but I just get the creeps from this guy.
Anyway it was 5.65..not a lot but I will call him on it the next time I am in that town.

We had lots of company the last few days..friends coming to see our house and how we are doing. with the restrictions gradually being lifted people are starting to get out and visit. But we went through 13 days of no Covoid and now we have 11 new cases..almost all on Hutterite farms. But some were in our health region and they went to the stores we like to frequent although we haven't been there in weeks. thankfully. so we will see if the medical officer for manitoba ramps things up again. I hope not as people are so tired of staying home...but then again we have thousands of visitors here, many from other provinces.
One of my students tomorrow is from Ontario. So we will self distance as much as we can in the art class.

I am thinking of stopping teaching until September. I miss the income, but it may be best.

I feel so badly for Ken and his family being under lockdown..having to home school must be very hard too...getting kids to buckle down and do work...not an easy chore.

So we will see what happens here. starting the community choir may have to wait for a few months yet because singing projects the germs even farther. But we will, once it is safe. We are anxious to start though..really excited.

It is good to see all the happy young people at the pool party.

I have to get moving.I have a watercolour workshop tomorrow.

So take care, be safe, love to you both,
