Thursday, July 16, 2020


This is from 2020

I hope all their dreams come true.

Happiness is still having dreams.  Like yesterday sitting out on the deck of the River House with a view of the water and all the boats anchored there.   A perfect day just to enjoy being alive.  The food was excellent and dad had a Turkey Club not fish and chips.  I had a salad instead of what I used to have,  The menu has changed.  We have to give our name and phone number in case we need to trace our activities.

Dad had dreamed before we got married of moving to B.C. and now we are here.

My dreams were of family and of new friends.  Now I have both.

None of us would have dreamed that This Covid-19 would be such a miserable thing.  

It now controls our life and want we can do and who we can be with.

I dream of the day it will all be a thing of the past.

We never dreamed of having a dog again but now we enjoy Spenser and his cute little ways.

Yes my camera is not working, the battery is dead as a door nail.

I am dreaming of taking pictures again soon!

Theresa has nominated Leah as hero of the week on Global News.


Ken Bennett said...

We keep getting higher and higher covid totals. At this stage we are in lock down until 20AUG.
Poor Matthew is going to have a small birthday with all his mates in isolation. Not much to report here .I envy your being able to go out for lunch at such a scenic location.

Sandra said...

It was Susan that nominated Leah. Did you watch her on the news?

Our drive went really well, very little traffic on the hi ways. Had a bit of rain, but we missed the bulk of the thunderstorm here in Spruce Grove.

Shawna was too tired to have us pop over last night, so we just got a few groceries and snuggled in together to watch Netflix on our laptop.

Listened to a very interesting Podcast that Theresa suggested on sleep while we were driving.

Stephen and his dad just missed the ferry coming back to the mainland so they had to wait for the next one, then they wanted to get to Mettit last night so they had a shorter drive home tomorrow. Stephen has Saturday off so that will be our main day for visiting.


beth bennett said...

Yes it is vwey disappointing for the choldren

Yes Ken it is very disappointing for the children. Morgan did not have a party
her and her mom had a good day together,
Good your drive went well.
Did you enjoying the storm.

Love mom

nancy-Lou said...

I feel so badly for Ken and his family. To be in lockdown for so long and the virus spreading so much there. Stay safe and well. It must be especially difficult when you have kids...we old people here don't find that our life changed that much when we were in isolation. We stayed home for about 10 weeks..ordered our groceries on line and picked them up or our granddaughter shopped for us.
some things have opened up..we are in stage 3 and people can gather in groups of 50..of course taking the precautions. So I can teach workshops....but I am going to just do the next two and stop teaching weekly...just do one a month. It is still risky. We had no new cases for about 11 days and now there are two Hutterite colonies with many ill..but they are isolated so hopefully it will be contained...most of the cases here came from travel.
I think they should shut the borders of Manitoba down again..on all sides.
But the upside to all this is....people are enjoying things like biking and hiking and swimming pools..sales on these items have hit the roof and many are in short supply rather than travel people are doing local things.

I think we have more visitors here that ever before..the stores are so busy that the locals have to go shopping when they first open up to avoid the long line ups to get in and of course the virus scare. We don't even shop chancy, so go to the nearest town a 25 minute drive but it isn't a tourist place so things are normal thee.

Well I have to catch up on your has been so busy that I missed a few days,

Love Nancy