Saturday, July 4, 2020


I compare my over-grown garden with the neat perfect arrangement of the neighbors.

Growing older and slower is not always easy.
I can easily become discontent.
                                       I ask myself what can I do to remain productive and useful?

Our cherry tree is very productive.  It's branches loaded with cherries that we cannot reach.  It is now spreading across to our neighbor's roof.  We have two decisions to make about cutting it down all the way or part of the way.  Dad and I will make some decisions today.

Yesterday we went to London Drugs and wore our masks.  We forget to get what we went for for me This is now the new normal for me.  As we left the cahier rushed out to our car with an envelope of $50 dollars in it.  I was tempted to say it was mine because I save these to send to the grand children.
I have just changed purses.  Could it be mine.  No I think not.

Today I see my neighbor Collen taking her dogs for a walk.  She runs first with the younger one and then returns to walk with them both.

I now go a shorter distance with Spenser at a slower pace.

"It is a matter of being courageous to acknowledge the truth and to recognize our time is infinite in the sense that every day we can choose innumerable ways  in which we live our lives."
-Tim Hague

Today we have been invited to go to Carol and Panteli's for supper.

I hope dad feels up to it.  I do not feel like cooking but that is also the new normal.



Steady-as-rain said...

I went to the grocery store today mainly to get Shreddies. (Every 5 years or so I get a craving for Shreddies). I came home with three bags of stuff but not Shreddies. So you are not the only one who forgets!

In the last few years flying had become very stressful for me, just all the rules, and having to sit crammed in place, and the line-ups, and the fear of missing connections and lost baggage! I was never worried about crashing, but I just have a dislike of flying now. Might never fly again.

Probably just trimming a branch or two on the cherry tree might be enough?

It is nice to hear again from Nancy-Lou and learn about the goings on in Victoria Beach.



beth bennett said...

Yes I agree Rick
Flying is stressful.

I think just a few branches would be okay.

I am waiting for dad to agree.

Love mom

Ken Bennett said...

Ground hog day here ...cold wet , showers ..uggh More cases of covid 19 we could be locked down for months . I typed a comment then lost it again as i thought it was saved . like yesterday i didnt want two comments so i erred on the side of safety .

FLYING in first class or business class with a flat bed, great food , world class wine is fun economy not so good . I would love to work hard weeks leading up to holidays , then being exhausted as we board the aircraft looking forward to 15 hours of movies and sleep. leaving Australia winter going to North American summer, Great. I may not be able to fly to Canada until next July.

Sandra said...

There are always things about my garden that I want to change too. Be boring to have it perfect and have nothing to do.

My Opinion, as you well know, is to take out the two overgrown messy cherry trees that take over your yard and the neighbours. Deal with the problem once and get your back yard back again so that it is nice to be out in. You could even have grass again.

Second option would be take out the tall skinny cherry tree and do a severe prune on the spreading one. And do the rest of the trees too of course.

I live by notes to my self. Reminders one my phone, reminders on my computer.

But, back to painting this morning, goal is to tack doors and trim.


beth bennett said...

Yes Sandra that seems like a good idea.

Love mom

beth bennett said...