Monday, July 27, 2020


I find that I believe faith has a role to play in each one of our lives.

It has been wonderful to receive many phone calls from old friends.  Jane and I have many memories to share along with our July birthdays.  I believe we were meant to be friends and we have supported each other through difficult family wories.

It was funny when Pat phone as both the cell phone and the home phone rang at the same time.  I decided to wait to hear if they left a message.  Yes Pat did.  We had a good laugh over the phone calls.
We have known her and John for many years also.  Both dad and I liked her and John the first time we met.

With good friends like these and also the support of our family we are able to keep positive.

I gathered all the old paint cans and broken items and got them out of the shed ready to take yo the depot.  I knew I needed dad's help but he has not been feeling well enough to do much.  I was very surprised this morning when he suggested we do it right then.  Once we got there the traffic was terrible with cars back in and out and going different ways.  Dad is a good driver so we handled it well.     We both felt better after accomplishing this task.  There is still more to do and that is okay.

"Faith is the radar that sees through the fog".
Corrie T.

"Your future is as bright as your faith"


Steady-as-rain said...

Another good photograph.

Yes, it is good when old friends call. It is too bad Uncle Brian hasn't called lately.

I had a terrible day with chest pain and so on on Sunday. Somewhat better today.



Sandra said...

That is good you got the paint cans done. Randy is focused on making a new headboard for the guest room, that while nice is not as important as cleaning the rooms and getting them ready for Mandi and James for Friday. It can be hard to get him to see the practical side of things.

Dont forget to get over to the Sherwin Williams store to pick paint colours.


beth bennett said...

Rick that is not good.

Sometimes the Emergency is the answer.

Sandra a busy time for you.

Love mom