Thursday, July 30, 2020


We are being told to remain calm.  When I look outside at our place or at Carol and Panteli's the trees and flowers have a calming affect.  My world seems calm when I let go of worrying and fretting. 

I feel better about the future when I look back and see all the situations we have survived.

We have survived the miracle of birth and many illnesses and accidents.  Love has survived even when the fairy  tale of  living happily after did not happen without an effort to do our part.  We need to be forgiven and forgiving to grow and be happy.

For me prayer has been a help to calm my soul and my mind.

Thankfulness keeps me hopeful as well as calm.


Ken Bennett said...

Enjoy your heat while you can , soon enough it will be winter again. Its sunny and 16c here today. The canucks on 7pm Sunday , best of five against Minnesota ..Playoff hockey . Not too late to jump back on the band wagon. !!!
723 covid cases yesterday , we may have to go back to stage four lock down.
At least 99% of people are wearing face masks .....


beth bennett said...

Yes Ken it is good to have sunshine.

A bit cooler today.

Dad watched some hockey and it seems pretty good.

I wonder why it is getting worse there, the Covid.
It seems it will be here for a while.

Love mom