Thursday, July 23, 2020


I was surprised to wake up from an afternoon nap to find a container of blueberry muffins on my door step.  I thought I heard the door bell but dad was around in the back so he should hear it.  I was wondering if it had been one of my children.  They all know I like muffins and blueberry muffins especially.

Then I remember while walking with my friend Jan and her dog I had mentioned I was tempted to eat some of dad's.  She brought G.F. free and regular muffins.  I am pretty sure it was her.

The girls from church are trying to arrange a get together at the park.  I said decide on a day and I will come.  Well the day they picked I was having a test.  They have done a lot to try and arrange a day for all of us so I hate to tell them I cannot come.  It would mean phoning every one back again.

We were to bring our study books and I cannot find mine.  I think I put it in a safe place.  This is not a good thing to do when you are becoming forgetful.

I will look again after Spenser and I have our walk and I water the garden.

It is going to be another warm day.  We enjoy sitting out in the back patio reading.

It was wonderful to be surprised!


Ken Bennett said...

Whats going to make you feel better seeing your friends or doing a test? You can always do an test but your friends wont be around forever . My opinion .....

Steady-as-rain said...

I am getting forgetful as well.

Nice to get a gift of muffins.



beth bennett said...

If I think I need a test I will get it.

I do not have a temperature or a cough.

Do not worry.

Love mom

Sandra said...

Ken, it you can wait up to a year to get a test, it is much easier to reschedule a visit with friends.

Found out one of our neighbours decided to end his life after his cancer returned. He was the one who would shoot or trap racoons so I never did like him.


beth bennett said...

Very sad.
