Sunday, July 5, 2020


I have had a few.
Flowers at the front door.
Haiti was also waiting so excited to welcome us.

Yesterday dad and I were looking forward to visit Carol and Pantel with Sandra and Randy.

Panteli had done a lot of work in the yard and we wanted to see what he had done.  We had missed his funny stories.  We always enjoy the good food that Carol prepares.  Very colorful and tasty,

We do regret bring Spenser.  We had been late leaving and Spenser had managed to jump in the car.  I offered to carry him back into the house.  It was too warm to leave him in the car which was dad's plan.  This meant that Haiti had to be put into the bedroom upstairs so Spenser come come in.

We will not bring him again I promise.  It is thoughtless and stupid.  We have a plan for when we are leaving him home.  It is now to warm to leave him in the car and it worries others who see him and hear him barking.

We feel stressed when we are running late.

We need to be responsible dog owners.

We all felt bad for Haiti.

A lovely view inside.

We say good-bye.
The view as we leave from the front gate.

We enjoyed our visit so very much.  I am thankful that we will be forgiven.

I am thankful we all have a sense of humour.


Shandel said...

It is best to leave them behind sometimes. We do that with daisy as well. How pretty all those colorful flower pots.

Ken Bennett said...

No one fell over ... thats a positive !!

nancy-Lou said...

I am glad that things turned out well..these things happen in families and you all worked it out well.
We used to always take our dog with us...unless it was hot. Then I realized it is dangerous for the dog..if we happened to get into an accident or the car was stolen. It doesn't take long for a dog to overhear in a car, even when it isn't that hot.
So we leave the dog at home. The only time he rides in the car, it to the vets.
They do love car rides usually, although Pedro is nervous in the car..maybe because the only time he has ridden in our car is when we brought him home from the kennels where he was the stud dog. Or the second the vets to be neutered.

Another hot and humid day. 30 again. But we got some work done in the garden..both Ken and I. we also had the windows cleaned. looks so much better now, especially with all the stained glass pieces that we hung...6 in the windows. Kens Father made them all and they are beautiful.

Victoria Beach has a FB page called Victoria Beach and East Beaches and there are some very cranky people on there this summer. I notice people in general are cranky. I guess with all this Covoid virus thing. One poor old dog was walking, doing his rounds as he always does in the cottage area and people wanted him tied up and complaining why didn't the owners walk him etc...he has done this for years. Harmless old dog and has a regular route to visit people. Well it got into when the Jewish people were not allowed in the 1930's....all the way from this poor old friendly dog.
Sometimes people disgust me.
Usually the FB page is an information page or a page of lovely photos etc.

We will be off to bed soon, to read for awhile. I am reading an interesting book written by an Ojibway author called Medicine excellent read. Getting close to the end and it is one of those books you don't want to end.

Have a good nights sleep and don't worry about all works out in the end!
Love to you both,

Steady-as-rain said...

I eventually got the Shreddies.

I don't know Panteli was big on gardening.

I was just resting yesterday. Watched Hearbeat and a lot of other TV, and didn't do much else. Feeling slightly better today.



nancy-Lou said...

Just checking to see if there was a blog post up today. I am sure it isn't easy posting every day. Always having to think of something new for the title and what you are going to write about and then put pictures is a lot of work! We do appreciate your hard work Beth and if you don't have time or don't feel like posting that is fine!

Well I had a feel on the little feral cats tummy and it looks like she is pregnant...she is only about 9 months old I would say. such a shame. Now what to is important she be spayed I would think, but she may be too far along. I will have a talk to the woman who brought the three cats here and see what she has really makes me mad to see how people bring them here and then turn them out, without any vetting etc and they have to live in an open shed. Very dangerous with all the coyotes.
I will also talk to the animal shelter and see if they can do anything if the woman doesn't want to. The little cat is so friendly now..still wary if I move to fast but she was rolling and purring as I pet her this morning.

I am working on a teen workshop and an adult one too. but so many of my summer adult students are not able to travel to their cottage this summer. I was just adding them up in my mind and I have two from Texas, one from New York, one from London England, one from Switzerland another from California and there are more. These will be the first workshops that I will be teaching since the Covoid Virus started. We will social distance, which means about half the numbers of students and abide by the rules our provincial doctor tells us. It will be more difficult to demonstrate as they will have to stand farther back when I paint and I will have to use an easel which will be a good trick painting in watercolour.

How old is Spenser and what kind of dog is he? Pedro is a miniature Schnauzer and awfully cute with his eyebrows and mustache. He has a very sweet personality and is a bit of a chicken! Thunder terrifies him. He suffers when we leave him at home and talks to us and cries when we come home..he is quite the talker. He is 5.

I hope that Larry is feeling better now. You too,Beth.

Have a good sleep,
Love to you both,

beth bennett said...

Nancy you sure keep busy.

Spenser is at least 14.

He is a Situ. I do not know how to spell it.

Rick I am happy you got your Shreddies.

We all need quiet restful days.

Love mom