Wednesday, July 1, 2020


Dad and I were thrilled to have a visit from our grand daughter Tasha.
We do appreciate all the help we are receiving and also all the love!
It was good to catch up with her life and heard about Justice too.

It had been a difficult day.  At the doctor's office I sat in a room of empty chairs.  I watched dad go in and felt strongly I should be with him.  Yes he got his hormone shot.  Yes the doctor looked at the papers from the emergency doctor.  They were concerned about cancer travelling to his spine.  His family doctor said it was no worry because he was getting the shot.  The cancer doctor had warned us this could happen.  He was not happy that dad had refused his last shot.

It is confusing.  To keep this cancer of his prostate dormant he has to take these shots.

We drove over to the eye doctor next.  Dad was not feeling too well.  His stomach was upset.  He went in to see if he could get in quickly and was shocked to see a room full of people some even standing.  A man was unhappy at the front desk and left to stand outside.

Redickulous in this time of social distancing.  There was no way dad could stand and wait for over an hour outside.  I was very annoyed and marched in and told the girl at the desk he was not well enough to keep his appointment.  I guess I should have said under these conditions.  He is 85 and having pain in his back etc.  We left and I went home to rest.

The tree man had been and left an estimate We were shocked at spending thousands of dollars at this time when we have the cost of painting the house also.  Yes everything as over-grown and especially the cherry tree needs to be cut back. 

Dad does not want it taken out.

We appreciated Sandra's help in phoning and getting the man to come and also she was there to look at the situation.  Yes our yard is full of over-grown trees and shrubs.

Tasha had wanted to buy us a coffee on the way here but we decided we would go out for one.  Dad was actually hungry so I felt he should eat.  We continued our visit at Brown's Social House next door.

It is good family love us even when we are unloveable. 

"The purpose of life is to love who ever is around to love."  -Kurt Vonnigert.

"We are wired physically and spiritual to love and be love."  -Brene Brown

I have trouble finding socks to match
how to get rid of my mice
what to have for supper how can I made these big decisions?


Shandel said...

You are never unlovable! Ever. I strongly believe that. We love unconditionally and it's extended to all of our family. No exceptions. Miss matched socks are fun! And you dont have to waste time pairing them together after the laundry. My sister started doing that years ago. Haha so fun Grandma. Xoxo

beth bennett said...

Good Shandel I agree.

Love gramma

nancy-Lou said...

Lovely words Shandel. I can hear how much the family care for Beth and Larry...they are wonderful people..they have spent their lifetime caring for their family and friends and now is the time for them to sit back and accept the care back. I am sure the hard decisions will be much easier with a family meeting. it must be very hard to give up some of the independence that you have enjoyed all these years, but once the decisions are made things done, you will be so relieved Beth.
Ken and I had to do this, when we gave up living at his beautiful lakefront home...with the pelicans flying by the windows and the loons and babies floating by on the lake. It wasn't easy, but the decision was made to move to my smaller house away from the lake and it was a lot of work packing and moving plus having work done here before we could move in...but it is done and we so happy. It is a lot less work here. The garden is a lot smaller and the yard is smaller and the rest is bush..we don't have to keep it manicured or cut. We live on the land of the old Ateah homestead..very private no neighbours. Just deer and bears and racoons and skunks and martins...lots of wildlife.

We have a property manager looking after rentals at Kens house and life is much easier now.

I hope that the prostate cancer hasn't progressed...they can tell that with a cat scan and blood work. I have a friend how is going through the same thing. He doesn't like the shots either..the side effects are not pleasant. I will keep you both in my prayers,

Love to you back to work in the sunroom. It is like a sauna out there...30C and it rained all night and morning...whew,


beth bennett said...

Nancy I appreciate your comments.

Love Beth

Shandel said...

Hey grandma and grandpa it's cameron here I hope you 2 have a restful rest of your Canada day always thinking about you! Love you guys !

Ken Bennett said...

Happy Canada Day.
Our suburb is now in Lock down. Too many new cases so we have been ordered by law to stay home. All the shops and cafes have been ordered to close . For at least the next 4 weeks .I think 10 suburbs in Melbourne are in the same boat. Seems that the guards looking after the
quarantined passengers staying at Melbourne hotels have been sleeping with them !!!Not happy as police are on the borders checking where you are going . Now they are saying the cold weather maybe the reason so many new cases of Covid. If that is true can you imagine the amount of cases Canada and USA will have this winter. Its is 12c here today!

Brittany doing well up in Brisbane , her night club can now have 100 patrons in the club!

Its called" LEFTY'S MUSIC HALL "
Kids are home for school holidays and I have been stood down until 21 July .

PS Mum it admirable how well you do your blog ..keep it up .
PPS I hope Dad gets some good news

Sandra said...

That was nice of Tasha to stop by and surprise you. I worked today so even though it was a miserable day it did not bother me that much.


Steady-as-rain said...

It is super nice that Tasha came by to visit, but even with family you should remember the 6 feet distance. You are not "bubbled" with Tasha (nor with any other family) and must be cautious, as you should be with everybody. and it would love to get its hooks into you and Dad! The younger people in the family might feel okay but still be able to spread it to you and Dad. And we don't want that to happen.

I am sorry to hear about the mix up at the eye doctor place. It would be good to phone and make a new appoint. Possibly ask for the earliest time in the day so that there would be minimum waiting, which would be good both to not tax Dad's strength, but to also reduce the risk of picking up covid10 in the waiting room? Anyway, an idea.

I am supposed to be starting work in about 45 minutes. I'm all showered and shaved but really don't know what I am supposed to be doing!



Steady-as-rain said...

where it says "...and it would love to get its hooks..."

It was supposed to read: Covid19 has not gone away and would love to get its hooks ...

beth bennett said...

Nice to hear from you all.

Cameron you too.

Good luck Rick on your first day.

Another dreary day here. Spenser and I will be out soon.

Love mom