Friday, July 3, 2020


This is another rock the girls have painted.

Another cold and rainy day.
No wonder I feel blah!
I know the old saying there are things you cannot control
but you can control (most of us can) how we respond.

I find as I get older there are a lot of things I cannot control anymore.  At times I feel very old and very stupid.  I use to believe if you set your mind to something and try hard you can succeed.  I know that is not true anymore.

I would love to control my walking and stride along like I used to do and I see people doing it now.
I never pass anyone any more just move over to let him pass.

My best friend had to cope with manic depression. Right now she is a little high so she phones and wants to talk a lot.  It is good to hear the happiness in her voice.  She had a great Canada Day in her Care Home.  They all dressed in red and white and had a fancy meal and listened to the golden oldies.

My mom taught me it was important to control your weight.  I learned this with the little things she would say.

One of the hard things about this pandemic is that you feel out of control.  I go to the store knowing I must keep my distance from the other shoppers.  The clerk has a mask and a plastic shield.  It does not feel like a friendly place to be.

Dad wanted to go to the White Spot for a hamburger he said but really it was to have a chat with our friendly waitress.  We have got to know her very well.

We can control how much of the news we listen to otherwise you will go crazy.

I always wonder what I can believe.

Yes today we will make an appointment for the eye doctor for dad and the hair trimmer for Spenser.

It is a challenge to feel content when we do not feel in control.


Anonymous said...

I have found the lesson of letting go of out come expectations has been one of the hardest but also has the most impact on mental health.

There is what I want, what I can do to help it to happen, but then you just have to let it go and be willing to accept what happens.

Right now I am making plans to go see Mary and the kids in August. I just do not know what else could be happening with the virus by then and if flying will be off the table. I was unhappy to hear that they are now booking all the seats on the plane. But, the experts still are not saying NOT to fly, just to do all the steps to stay safe during a trip.

We will see.

I forwarded the painting quote to dad, so it looks like the first one you had, where the guy did not stick around to talk, was the best one. You can go ahead and book that I think.

Have you called to arrange what trimming you want done on the trees?


Steady-as-rain said...

It is good to see your friendly waitress at White Spot, and I do understand that, but it is necessary to be very careful. Covid19 has not gone away. Do you have hand sanitizer? You really should. If you are going to go to the grocery store, then a mask might not be a bad idea. Remember - young people can have it and not show any symptoms. But you and Dad are very likely to get very sick if you catch it.

My new employer has gone into complete confusion. There was an election very recently, and the outcome is in some dispute, and now the status of my employment may well be in doubt. It might be days or even weeks or more before the situation is clarified. A lot at stake for all involved and my contract as the newest employee nobody has even ever met in person is the least of anybody's concerns.

You should not be touching or getting close to any visitors at all. Family or not.

Glad to hear the eye doctor appointment will be rebooked.



beth bennett said...

Yes Rick

So sorry your job situation is a mess.

Yes we wear masks when in any store and have 3 hand sanitizwes.

Love mom

Ken Bennett said...

Sandra , flying is safe . Passengers are tested before flying .You should where a mask in flight of course . And the air conditioning is fantastic , cleaning out all the germs . If we block all the middle seats air fares would go up by 30% AT LEAST .

My opinion too many people still making contact , shaking hands and kissing to say hi. One guy here has infected about 50 people , he has a big family. Local guy on the news yesterday said Convid 19 all just a hoaks , not real. Is it any wonder the virus keeps spreading. 26 days to go till our quarantine ends !! Man we are really over it . 36 years service with Qantas today...if I was at work I would have gotten a free coffee..LOL

hope Dad continues to improve .mum walk at your own pace .

Ken Bennett said...

Sandra , flying is safe . Passengers are tested before flying .You should wear a mask in flight of course . And the air conditioning is fantastic , cleaning out all the germs . If we block all the middle seats air fares would go up by 30% AT LEAST .

My opinion too many people still making contact , shaking hands and kissing to say hi. One guy here has infected about 50 people , he has a big family. Local guy on the news yesterday said Convid 19 all just a hoaks , not real. Is it any wonder the virus keeps spreading. 26 days to go till our quarantine ends !! Man we are really over it . 36 years service with Qantas today...if I was at work I would have gotten a free coffee..LOL

hope Dad continues to improve .mum walk at your own pace .

beth bennett said...

Yes Ken
Important news that needs to be commented on twice.

Yes I am going slower and now shorter distances.

Life is changing.


nancy-Lou said...

It is ok to be is ok to be forgetful too...slowing down is good. I have slowed down my walking and in the things that I do. We always expect too much of ourselves at our age...thinking we are still young, but our bodies tell us differently. Sandra is right..just go with the flow, relax and lower our expectations then we aren't disappointed!
Acceptance is a key word...acceptance of changes and what we are capable of doing.

You both are amazing be able to do the things that you independently in your home, walking your dog, driving, doing your shopping...I admire you both!

Gosh all those years and Ken would just get a cup of coffee! Ken played for the Winnipeg symphony Orchestra for 38 years. That is probably all they would give him too.

Good advice regarding the Covoid virus. You cannot be too careful. I do forget sometimes, especially when I am talking to people I know. I remember not to hug, and I wear a mask in stores. We use hand sanitizer. But I am sad that I cannot teach my art classes this summer. I miss the people and I miss the money. Usually that is how I pay my property taxes. But I am working on an on line video for an art class. We will see how that works out.

It is again a very hot and humid day. we are tired of 11 of hot and humid. An extended period of time for us. Even our house is hot although we have two air conditioners. Ken is picking Saskatoons...he has been babying them from the time they bloomed and keeps a keen eye on them from the livingroom because the cottagers who pick berries don't have much respect for private property...they just bumble their way in. I have had to tell them a number of times over the years that this is private land here. There are lots of blueberries too. Ken loves picking. I will m ake saskatoon pancakes for supper! Can you taste them? Or have you never had Saskatoons? I would imagine they would be in! mmmm

Well off to make lunch for us. Then our nap. always a half hour after lunch unless we are out. if we miss it we are usually yawning in Super Store...LOL

Have a great day and remember you accomplish many good things each day. You are loved by all your family..and by me too!

Love Nancy

Ken Bennett said...

Saskatoon Berry Pancakes !!! count me in...for dinner even better !