Monday, July 8, 2013


Happy Birthday Rick!
What a day when you were born!  My mom and dad arrived by train and your dad had gone to meet them.  He was not there at the exact moment as he drove them to Jennie and Stan’s.  Our old neighbors in Saskatoon that were the closest to gra!ndparents I ever had.  It was a beautiful July morning.  I am sure the birds were singing and the sun shining bright.
We brought you home 6 days later and you kept us up all night, Nana had stayed with us.  It tired her out so she went back to Jennie and Stan’s the next morning.  My poor mom was very upset as we all were being new young parents.
Things gradually improved after that.
You would later be christened in their church on Joyce Road called Callingwood Church.  Thankfully day remembered the name because I could not.
Time seems to have flown by and soon you had children of your own.  We had been so blessed to have such a loving caring son as you!
“Look to this day!  For it is life, the very life of life.
In its brief course lie all the varities and realities of your existence: the bliss of grow, the glory of action, the splendor of beauty.
For yesterday is already a dream and tomorrow is only a vision but today, well lived, makes every yesterday a dream of happiness, and every tomorrow a vision of hope.
Look well to this day!  Such is the salutation of the dawn.”
-from the Sanskrit
Seems like fall already with the leaves falling.
I am off to see the doctor today at his request but no good reason I can think of.  I am back walking and when I get tired I rest which means a lot of things are left undone.   I am fine.

Enjoyed seeing Mary and baby Simone on Skype yesterday but the inter-net kept shutting off.  Hope they had a better rest last night.  Both of them looking adorable.

Sandra and dad and I stopped by to see Cousin Eileen.  She was happy to see us but the visit with her dog yesterday had been disappointing.

Finished our day at Sharkey;s  with good food and perfect day to be sitting out on the patio,

The miracle is not to fly in the air, or to walk on water,
but to walk on the earth.   -A Chinese proverb


Sandra said...

The idea of a baby always seems so wonderful, but in the midst of sleepless night with a crying baby you sure can start to doubt your fitness for the task! I am sure Mary is happy to have Jean there to help. Sandra

beth bennett said...

So true.

Thanks for visiting cousin Eileen with us.

Thanks for supper.

Love mom

Shandel said...

thank you for the birthday wishes! hard to believe how fast time goes by....even at a young age still, i feel it is rushing by. 28 this year haha
Happy Birthday Rick! July is a fun month to have a birthday. i love the sunshine.
have a great day!

Anonymous said...

l love your Blog and all the great Quotes . We were so pleased to have Samantha with us at church and amazed that she spoke at prayer time .l think she amazed herself too. Wonders will never cease truly Love, jane

Anonymous said...

Hobey Bennett 20July , Matthew Bennett 28July. We will see Tyler this weekend as he is coming down to melbourne for the weekend. HIs girlfriend Ayslan has a work conference here.

nancy-Lou said...

A nice tribute to your first born and also to the July birthdays Beth. A little bird told me that your birthday is in July I right? When is it? love Nancy

Anonymous said...

Sorry about crying so much back in July of 1957. I guess I was just getting use to being alive. Maybe I was hungry?

Lovely message!



beth bennett said...

Yes that is what dad said you were hungry. You were just being a baby and that is what they do.

I finally have sent all July cards away I hope.

My birthday Nancy is July 25 and it is usually a very nice day,

Love Beth