Sunday, July 14, 2013


Wait here comes Carol
Four generations

Grandpa and Grannie are having fun getting dizzy.  Grandpa yells how do I stop this thing I want to get off.


Meanwhile Ben climbs a tree.  He is just coming down.

Things have certainly changed for us as each generation is different from the one before.  Growing up for dad and I birthdays were very simple affairs.  Candy was a luxury especially during the war years.  Now there are certain things expected at a party;  games, cake and goody bags.  The pirates at this party had to search for their treasure in a pile of sand.  Fortunately it was a perfect day sunny and warm but not hot!
Generations later after Moses and the ten commandments and the wanderers have now taken possession of the land and in Solomon's time they are using slave labour to build the temple to house God.  He also built Hazor, Megiddo and Gezer military bases.  Now it takes more and more to protect and maintain his property.  Sinai has been forgotten with its guidelines for peace and justice.
This nation will now face exile, an exile of the soul when they became strangers to the purposes of God.   The son of David, a hero in the Biblical story, Solomon was corrupted by power and it would not be until a new son of David who used power purely and properly that a new vision of the future would come to life.
"True courage is not the brutal force of vulgar hero;s
but the firm resolve of virtue and reason."
- Alfred North Whitehead


Sandra said...

Looks like another great party, and a perfect day for it. Sandra

Anonymous said...

Looks fun , and I hate to see the nice weather as you may use all the nice days up before we get there . Caught up with Tyler yesterday after work . He flies home this evening . Jasmine still sick and wont take her medicine.....

beth bennett said...

I know how Jasmine feels when I was sick I did not want to eat or drink or take medicine.

I do hope she is better soon, such a worry, and exhausting for all.

Nice to hear your voice on the phone Ken. I am sure will safe the best weather for when you are here.
love mom