Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Yeah the Bennetts are coming in August.  I can hardly wait.

I can hear the flowers whispering to each other: “This is a risky garden to be in, either we will get dug out or be moved.”
I see Mary, across the road watching me as I stumble moving around the rocks in my garden.  I can also image what she is thinking.  She worries about me.  I wave at her and say I am okay!
Too hot for us yesterday.  A little rain this morning is excellent.    That is very exciting news about Ken and family!  This trip is a little bit risky travelling with a young family but they are used to traveling and Ken is an expert at taking charge.  Now I need to start to organize.  Any Volunteers?

We live in a world where even love is a risk.  Loving others can bring us joy but also uncertainty, inconvenience and discomfort.  We can easily be misunderstood or misunderstand.  It some times seems that there are those who seem incapable of understanding, accepting or returning love.
We see God taking a risk by sending Jesus to bring his love into this world of chaos and suffering.  The Old Testament has reveal the worst of human nature and is upsetting to read. From Cain on we have seen violence escalate until all of civilization is in trouble
Jesus comes to reveal God’s love into a world of religious piety who did not want to hear his message.  Jesus now enters creation knowing the risk of trying to redeem the lost souls who desperately need to be loved.

Mom and grandmother Carol are looking for Ben

I certainly admire these two young mothers, yes one is a grandmother, so creative and active and spiritually attuned to helping others.  Good job you two!

Our daughter Sandra, too not in this picture busy helping  Shawna plan the new baby Lincoln's room in Edmonton.
                                                                 Yes Ben likes to be risky climbing trees.

I know that it is risky trying to hear what God may be trying to say to me.  I have to interpret and pick out Godly wisdom among the jumbled thoughts in my head.  I have the help of the wisdom that comes from scripture and from reading and studying and learning from others
I listen for the whisper of love and forgiveness.


Sandra said...

Yes, your plants must be very afraid. I work the next 2 Fridays but I will come over to consult over furniture moving. Sandra

beth bennett said...

That would be a great help for me.
love mom

nancy-Lou said...

So exciting for you all, to have your Australia family coming to visit! I to, will be having my new found cousins from Edmonton coming to visit...after many years (37) of thinking I am the only one left in my first cousin contacted me and he has 6 kids...I cannot express how happy that makes me! What a wonderful family you have many of them..Family are so important, especially as one reaches their senior years. I have a friend who has no children and is divorced and in her mid sixties and she is very lonely and almost paranoid at the thought of living her senior years alone. She lived a very self serving life and sadly is finding life difficult now. She recently built a million $$ home, full of fancy things...but unfortunately it does not fulfill what she is looking for. I suggested volunteering, giving of herself, freely to others who are in need, but she is not open to that. Soo we are truly blessed to have our families and our friends too. Take it easy in your garden with all those rocks....maybe you could hire someone to help you? Love Nancy

beth bennett said...

Yes Nancy I am thinking next year I will hire help. Larry says get any help in the house or outside.

We are thinking of visiting dad's cousin and we do not know what to expect.

Not easy for anyone of us.

Exciting news about your cousins.

love beth

Anonymous said...

I hate it when the plants start whispering. I always think they are talking about me!



Anonymous said...

Another busy ,busy day , but now I have three days off. Melina was sick in bed all day with a migraine ,Jesse stayed home from school to help with young ones. Cultis lake sounds good .
ps 23c here today , not bad for the middle of winter