Tuesday, July 30, 2013


Dad and I look in wonder and amazement into the mysterious world of baby Parsons safe inside his mommies womb.  Yes, Shawna was kind enough to enclose pictures with my birthday card.  We think he looks very wise and very content.

The wonder of life is often overlooked and I am reminded how precious each day we live is, a time to appreciate ourselves and each other and the whole world of which we are but a tiny part.
After surviving two near misses on our first outing of the day dad and I drove into visit Eileen.  She is keeping comfortable and enjoys looking out her glass doors to see little animals scurrying by, which include a family of skunks. She definitely has a mind of her own!

The first miss was the one that had dad and I looking at each other in disbelief as a speeding car races through the intercession on a complete red light.  Thankfully we had not advanced quickly when the light turned green.  So many things in life we are not in control of the timing and it is important to recognize moment-by-moment the gift of life.

New life comes to us spiritually when we accept the unconditional love of our Father in Heaven.  Jesus speaks of Abba which means daddy a very endearing term. 
Here we are safe back at home and our new little car smiles happily.


Sandra said...

So, have you driven the car yet? Do you have the blue tooth all hooked up? I am still looking. Hopefully this weekend will buy a new one. Sandra

Anonymous said...

Good to hear that your new car is settling down happily in its new home and has survived the adventures of your first outings . Eileen seems to be hanging in there and enjoying what she can of her remaining life. lt feels as if it will be a hot one today there is absolutely no wind this morning. Have a good day, Love, Jane