Saturday, July 27, 2013


Summer is flying by so quickly and the brown grass is evidence of lots of sunshine.


These are all pictures of my early morning walk.

One of the amazing things I discovered at the Vineyard Church was that they encouraged you to have a prayer journal and write your thoughts and prayers.  I have been doing this for years ever since my children were teen-agers and I lived in fear of the unknown and that they were beyond my protection and beyond my understanding.  I cannot count how many journals I have completed.

"This is particularly striking to an anthropologist because some anthropologists and historians have argues that it was literacy and eventually print culture that enabled science to emerge by creating a source of truth and memory outside the fallible human mind."  from the book about the Vineyard Church by T. M. Luhrmann

The supernatural becomes real as we process our thoughts and ideas through struggling to write them down.  Some decisions are hard to make so I try to listen to the inner voice of wisdom that can speak through my inner dialogue.

Learning to recognize God's voice in your everyday thoughts and experiences.
Taking time to be still in a quiet place.
Listening to dreams and the pictures that can float through your mind while doing this.

One of  the most beautiful things about religion is that it has the potential to make us aware of our faults, make us aware how vulnerable  and sensitive we all can be, and as we offer this brokenness that creates in us a sense of failure we find that not only does God offer forgiveness but also new life!  A new beginning.

After driving in to the car lot on Thursday and looking at cars I was very content to organize a few things at home.  I was pleased to have Carol drop by and give me some helpful advice and also a delicious rhubarb pie.  We were both hot and a little weary so did not attempt too much moving things about.

Dad has bought a car a CRV Honda 2010 and it looks like new and we both are very happy with it and now just have to learn to drive it.

Jane and Geof. dropped by for a visit out on our back patio.  It is amazing it can feel so hot and then cools right down.  Enjoy your birthday on Bowen Island Jane.  We will both be partying today! ! Yah!

Yes I agree we have to learn by making our own mistakes.


Sandra said...

That is why I take history books with such a grain of salt. It may be someones truth of events, but that certainly does not make it the whole truth. I think our minds start to re write events pretty quickly based one our own prior expreiences. Well, my does. The few times it bothers to store anything in memory at all. Sandra

beth bennett said...

Good comments as usual.
love mom

Anonymous said...

Well who wrote about Adam and Eve ? We have the bible on TV here at the moment . In general the Old Testament is a bit hard to believe. What do you think ?
Have a great time at Sandra's party.

beth bennett said...

Yes I agree it is hard to believe and yet it reveals our humanness and God's forgiving love, or it should.
love mom