Tuesday, July 2, 2013


Another hot and sunny day, hoping for a breeze!

One of the problem philosopher addresses is the question of what is mine, yours or the governments
I think of this yard as my property and to keep it we pay taxes.
What is mine and what is yours  seems to be a constant source of strife especially when it comes to land.

I spend the morning after my walk trying to read through this chapter on Political philosophy: what justifies the state.  I read but soon fall asleep and have to start all over again.

Dad and I make a quick decision to drive to Chapters and Milestones in Langley.  The car is cool so the drive was pleasant.  Dad was hungry so we ate first and then after about 20 minutes in Chapters dad's feet hurt so \I quickly picked out a few books I meant just to look at but dad said to go ahead and get them all.  I will return one to-morrow.  Dad was not having a good day but we both have to accept that there will b e good and not so good days.  We have to expect this at our age.

Eileen phoned to say Rick has arrived and both boys came to visit so that was excellent news.  A decision has been made to find her a place where she can be kept comfortable.  We are relieved.

If it is  the true that the true  state of nature of human beings (Thomas Hobbes) is one of war then we forced  to be on guard against those who would take from us what we consider to be mine  Thomas happens to be an atheist in religion and an absolutist in politics.  He endured years of civil war in Leviathan.  His view of life was that it was solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short; although he himself lived to be 91 in 1679.

John Locke emphasized consent and toleration through social contracts giving people the right to overthrow corrupt rulers.  His work in 1704 provided a blueprint for the American Constitution.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau a great democrat observed man was born free and everywhere is in chains.  One may think one is a master of others but still remains a slave than they.  It is better for people to voluntarily be interested in the well fair of others than to have a totalitarianism state control.
Even the Ten Commandments command us not to covet anything that our neighbor has.  Obviously this was a problem so there was a need for a rule to control negative behaviors.

We elect politicians only to find we cannot trust them to do what they have promised so passionately.  I guess that makes them liars and our world an unjust place to live.

I consider generosity to be one of the great Christian virtues.  I have in the past maybe given things away unwisely and foolishly but still do not regret it.  The question that is asked is has Christianity made us into better people?  Not better than others but better because they are compassionate and caring aware of their failures and with a desire to do better. 

In every church I have been involved in there has been a genuine spirit of caring for the sick and the poor.  I what appears to be more and more a civilization at odds with a God, who I believe wants us to help one another. I know that many people fight for justice, march for peace, give to the food bank and care for the weak not just Christian believers, but I hope that we all  somehow influence others by our actions.   So happy and thankful to be a Canadian.       \Must phone Jane today.
So that was my day how was tours?  Children on holidays now so that makes some things different.


Sandra said...

I found it hard to read yesterday, kept falling asleep too. I blame it on the heat. Back to work today! Sandra

beth bennett said...

Well I know who one of my two early readers are.
The time you had off must have seemed to go so fast.
Hope Mary is doing okay.
love mom

Shandel said...

We had a lovely Canada Day! i did miss Cameron though, as he and Ken had to make their way to Regina for a move. This is the first year for Canada Day that we did not get to spend together. We celebrate 3.5 years of being together. (we were engaged 3 years ago on Canada Day)
We spent all day outside and visited a bit with my brother and played with the dogs in the water. Went for supper and just really relaxed. We were to tired to walk down to the fire works so we settled for seeing them just above the houses by my dads. The sun is shining very hot and bright here today, about +32 they say. I am heading out after my work to the lake/beach for some Stand Up Paddle board yoga on the water. Have a wonderful day. and i hope you can escape and enjoy the heat while we have it! love to you all.

nancy-Lou said...

I was looking for a comment from the Dali Lhama regarding possessions...you were talking about what is mine and what is yours. He said the less you want and have, the happier you will be....but in much more eloquent words that this. I keep reminding myself of this..and am downsizing and cleaning out clutter. One day at a time. I have a collection of glasses frames and going to donate them to the bin at Walmart for third world countries. Have you tried an e book reader Beth? I like mine a lot. It is so light and portable. I can read books on my ipad as well, but it is heavier to hold. Your pictures of the flowers are lovely, everything looks so green and lush. We are sweltering in above 30 degree temps but thankfully have air conditioning...which you folks in Vancouver don't usually have. Love Nancy

Anonymous said...

John Locke - right on Mom!



Anonymous said...

good to hear of you nice weather. Channel 9 Australia is doing the morning show from Canada , tomorrow from Vancouver , you should go down and get on Australia Tv.

beth bennett said...

Good for them!

Yes the sunshine is wonderful. A perfect day to have lunch on Jane's deck with their beautiful view.

Ken do you know a Mark Melville. Eileen's son went to High School in Newton.

Love mom