Wednesday, July 10, 2013


Watch out for those rocks I remind dad as he helps me dig out the fast overgrown daisy flowers.
I think that not only is old age not for sissies but also some gardening.  Some of also have to look out for bees as well as rocks and thorny  rose bushes.  Dad and I start out in the cool of the morning but it is not long before we both are hot and sweaty.

We have to be careful of the rocks because there are so many of them and if we fall we can get hurt but mainly it is hard to get up, so it is good we have each other.
Yes, dad is earning his wings even though he may not know it.

I find critics of the Bible take it literally when it was meant to be a extremely important mythical story that points out to us, that  the greed over land and possessions can make our hearts like stony rocks and can even lead to violence when we are sure we are right
One could say that in Genesis one brother is a farmer and one brother a wandering shepherd.  When the shepherd takes possession of the land violence occurs.  Some make this a spiritual story where God plays the heavy that needs to be pleased and he demands bloody  sacrifices

Change always requires willing sacrifice and we do it to help someone else. 

In this myth it leads to violence and murder.  We see this still being carried out in our modern world of injustice, slavery and cruelty.  Now a days too often too often the weapons of war are being used to control the Middle East until peace can supposedly come.

Jesus was a Middle Eastern man who lived in an occupied country and was killed by the superpower of the day to bring peace through his sacrifice.

Our Creator, who has many names, created us to live in paradise, a state of being in which everything is in its right place.  A place of security and peace and harmony and freedom and where his love surrounds each one of us and his peace rests gently upon us all.

Strangely the image of a paradise that lives in the deepest recesses of our consciousness tells us that things are not as they should be.  Rocks are used by the youth as weapons and blood is being spilt in many lands as violence continues.

This is called the anti-kingdom and this is why Jesus declared that his message was to reveal a new kingdom where everyone is welcomed and peace and joy flow from all our hearts!

"What after all has maintained the human race on this old globe, despite all the tragic failings of mankind, if not the faith in new possibilities and the courage to advocate them?
-Jane Adams


Anonymous said...

As I may have mentioned before, the least important thing about Jesus is his death. Whether he rose from the dead or not (and, lets face it, he didn't) what he said and did was very important. Indeed, it is kind of startling that rising from the dead -- no mean feat, I can tell you! -- is comparatively not very important.

What Jesus was all about it seems to me was two things: God will accept you, and organized religion will oppress you. And he was probably right about both things.



beth bennett said...

Yes Rick, that is a good point.

Love mom

Anonymous said...

I like babies. They just radiate goodness and light with out a struggle over choices or any moral decisions. Even crying babies in the middle of the night still remind me that we all just need hugs and kisses sometimes even if our tummies are full and diapers are dry. LOL, does that go with your theme mom? In early to work today as Adena flies in tonight and I want to go to the airport with Randy. Sandra

beth bennett said...

No but I think that God said, "Let there be love. Let there be wonder that touches hearts and brings great joy!

And let there be a gift like no other and another beautiful baby was born." Amen
love mom

Anonymous said...

Tyler arrives tomorrow, nice and cold and wet for him.Matthew is sick again, sore throat and runny nose.