Friday, July 26, 2013


Birthday wishes expressed in many different ways!  Some said it to me personally, some on my blog, some sang to me on the phone and others on e-mail, some sent cards and some say very touching  wishes on face book.  Many of your words that were written or spoken brought tears to my eyes and I will treasure them all equally.

We live in a world where we dream that one day there with be equality between people, nations, religions, race, gender etc

I am reading a chapter on dancing and I have to laugh, yes out loud, as she describes how anxious she gets at dances,  afraid someone will ask her to dance.  Boy, that is me.  I love music and I love singing and dancing but just at home alone.  Only then can I be wild and crazy and horrible!

Insecurity is a part of being human right?  We are equal in that area I believe to some degree.

DSCN0321Writing has become a way of sharing my humanness because I can only hope that it helps others feel worthy and not helpless.

 Even angels with one wing are important.
because they can still keep dancing.  Things happen in our lives to make us more aware of what is important, our love for one another.

 Within each one of us is a :
 a heart full of love,
a soul that wants to burst into song,
 a spirit that dances with delight,
eyes to see with wonder the display of  nature's color
ears to hear the music that is singing a new song to  help us overcome and keep persevering.

I have had a birthday worth remembering even without a party or a cake, which I am looking forward to at Sandra and Randy's home on Saturday.

  I really feel loved!  !  !.

Step into life just as you are!  Remember that within  our own being we are all equal.

Absorb the wisdom of others by reading and listening.


Sandra said...

That is so hard to do, absorb others wisdom. Not sure why, but it seems most of us are bound and determined to learn things the hard way.
Working Friday again, but had my yoga this morning and then drove through Burger King for a egg mcmuffin because I was starving. Looking forward to seeing everyone tommorrow. Sandra

Anonymous said...

Hi Beth,
Belated birthday greetings, and we are looking forward to seeing you at Sandra's on Saturday. Carol is thinking of going to Banyen books later today and will give you a call in case you are interested. See you Saturday, much love!

Anonymous said...

And the weather looks perfect. Have a nice day tomorrow.
I have three days off after a 2am Finnish last night.