Sunday, July 7, 2013


Suppose we took a few moments during our day just to take time to sit silently.

Dad and I do not even wear watches so we can easily not be aware of the time.  Saturday morning we made an effort to go to the Hospice early to visit dad’s cousin.  No time to finish the morning paper or check back on the computer.  Such bad news in the paper with the oil train crashing off the tails in Quebec, no electricity in Pakistan causing problems in hospitals and on the streets, discovery of the long term effects of childhood cancer treatment resulting in complete disability and blindness.  Such a lot of very sad news.

Later there would be the plane crash in L.A.
We had some note paper to take her that she had asked for and we were concerned about how she was doing.  We had planned to visit Carol and Panteli and maybe have a visit or a bite to eat.  We also wanted to return an overdue library book, yes I have done it again, but I do try to remember the important things.  
Time to fit everything in just right!.

When we arrived Eileen was anxiously waiting for her son Mark to come and bring some more clothes and also her little dog.  She also thought her Aunt Mary may be taking the sky train and bus from downtown to visit her  She is 90 and has never had a car and is able to still walk but a hot day for an older lady to be travelling to some place she has never been before did not seem reasonable to us.  But she was already on her way.
Plans all changed because Eileen was upset because Mark had lost the automatic car door opener.  So to calm her down, because words were not helping, we drove and took Mark his mom's keys. We are hoping that Mark will learn to become more responsible and self-reliant.  We are hoping that Eileen will learn to relax and to not worry and be thankful.

What each one of us does with our time  and our thoughts is important.

The ideals which have lighted my way, and time after time, given me new courage to face life cheerfully have been honesty and also willingness to make an effort.  There comes a time when one needs to grow up and mature.

Also "every time you don't follow your inner guidance, you feel a loss of energy, loss of power, and a sense of spiritual darkness."   -  Shakti   Gawain

Another learning experience for us as we see the whole picture more clearly.  I think we have to be careful not to become too involved but do what we can.

All is very quiet this morning scarcely a breath of a breeze. 

Church this morning and dinner with Carol and Panteli and Randy and Sandy.


nancy-Lou said...

Reading about Eileen makes me think of how a terminal illness makes us focus on what is important in thankful we need to be for what we have! It also seems to bring out the good and the bad in people's nature...I saw it when Melodie was dying...some very caring people and some very selfish, self centred people. It gives me a warm feeling in my heart to read how you and Larry have reached out to Eileen at her time of need, and are there for her. You are special people...bringing her comfort. I thought I had to play at church today...good thing I talked to the regular pianist yesterday! It is next Sunday...oh well, the hymns are chosen and practiced! Have a wonderful Sunday with your family. Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

Thank you Nancy.
really appreciate your comments.
We are looking forward to being with the family today.
love beth

larry bennett said...

Good Blog!

larry bennett said...
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Anonymous said...

Enjoy your dinner . Yes lots of bad news . Lucky only 2 died in the SFO plane crash.Ken