Friday, July 12, 2013


P7071746Actually this was rewritten for Saturday.P7071744

We live in a world that is full of variety!

Yesterday dad worked hard in the garden while I visited with Mary across the road from us.  Then the dentist phoned to see if I could come an hour earlier and so off I went.  It was rather a grueling session and she said I had been a brick about it all.  Came home to hear Morgan had had a bad fall and she sounded very sad on the phone.  We both have skinned knees only hers has three band aids and mine only one big one!  Ben was able to run ahead and get some band aids for her at the store!

I am reading a book written by a psychological trained anthropologist who enters into the world of religion to see and hear personally what others are experiencing.  Very well documented.

"I believe that if God speaks, God's voice is heard through human minds constrained by their biology and shaped by their social community.  A time for attention learning-and that the way you pay attention determines your experience of God."

-T. M. Luhrmann from the book "When God Talks Back."

\I have read many books on the subject of God, the Bible and Jesus and prayer.  They continue to be written.  I totally believe there is a voice that can speak to us when we are tuned into paying attention to our thoughts and inner awareness

The story about the Israelites and their understanding of God had been  built on a relationship rooted in an act of deliverance and now they need to hear words of practical advice and so we have the on the words of the Ten Commandments.  . 

There comes a time when the Israelites needed to hear words from God that would shape their religious understanding so that they did not just go on superstition.  Even today people refer to the Ten Commandments as ethical, and valuable.

A humanity that becomes estranged from God will find salvation when they believe that God hears the cries of the suffering and the oppressed and so must we as his followers.  He works through us even as He worked through Moses, a very imperfect human being.

Do not put your trust in other gods
Do not make graven images or idols.
Do set a time aside to spend with Him as He has created us and continues to create us..
Do not take advantage of others or covet what they have.
Do not cheat or steal. 
Do not mistreat a foreigner or take advantage of a widow. 
Do not deny justice to anyone especially the poor.

"Do what you believe in and believe in what you do.
All else is a waste of time."

Saturday morning off to Chilliwack for Morgan's birthday party at the park.  Great Fun!


Sandra said...

Every childhood needs a few good scraped knees stories. Randy still loves pointing to this or that scar and telling me how he got it. I dont know if grannies need to be aquiring new scars though. Stayed at Shawna's last night. Did not surprise her like planned as she was going to be working all weekend so I actully called to tell her I was not coming but then could not cancel my flight so here I am! Sandra

Anonymous said...

Is Stephen there?

Hope you have a restful time.

We are off to the party now I have been ready for ages!

Love mom