Friday, August 23, 2019


I am doing some reading about Religion.
A controversial subject at the best of time.
The author is now writing about her personal story
after writing a very controversial book about 
the gospels which were deemed heretical
and did not make it into the Bible.
Reading about her life of faith and the challenges she had to deal with 
especial the death of her 6 year old boy.
Her story is about personal tragedy and the search for
why religion helps to cope with suffering.

My two friends who I walk with are so different.  Aneta tells me all that is wrong with religion and that is so true I cannot disagree.  It would be not good anyway her mind is made up.  Joanne loves to talk about what she is still learning about what the Bible says and how it is impacting her life to deal with a painful illness.

She has helped me to deal with some of my inner turmoil.

Religion is controversial and it helps to discover the truth from an emotional perspective and also from the intellectual perspective.  Heart and mind!

Today we visit our friend Vera in Hospice.

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